Detailed resources to get you started on your entrepreneurial project

Suggestions: ACRE, Kbis, domiciliation, micro-business, meeting room


Welcome to our SeDomicilier Blog!

We've put together a collection of excellent articles to help you make the legal sector understandable to everyone.

Whether you'd like to know more about corporate domiciliation before choosing your head office address, or simply find out more about your business project, diving into the resources below will help you increase your knowledge and see things more clearly.

The most popular
Transfer of registered office

Managing your business

Reading time: 13 min

How do I transfer a company's registered office?
There are many complementary services available to help you register your company.

Direct debit

Reading time: 18 min

What is domiciliation?
Setting up an SAS involves a number of stages.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 19 min

How do you set up an SAS?
Creating an SASU: discover the essential steps.

Setting up a company

Temps de lecture: 24 min

SASU creation: incorporation formalities
Setting up a company starts with choosing the address for its registered office.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 26 min

How to set up a company? Instructions for use
All our articles
To change the address of an association's head office, you need to amend its articles of association.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

How do I change the address of an association's head office?
It's a good idea to consult a chartered accountant as soon as you set up your business

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

Keeping accounts when you've just set up a business
Nice is putting in place a number of support measures for business creators

Direct debit

Reading time: 7 min

Why set up your business in Nice?
When you set up your company, your chartered accountant will advise you on the most appropriate legal form to take

Setting up a company

Reading time: 3 min

Why use a chartered accountant to set up your business?
Setting up an audiovisual production company involves a number of stages: here's our advice.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

How to set up an audiovisual production company
The powers of an association's Board of Directors are set out in its articles of association.

Managing your business

Reading time: 4 min

How does an association's Board of Directors function?
SARL (limited liability company): what social and tax regime for the majority manager?

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

Being a majority shareholder in a SARL: our complete guide!
Which associations are covered by the financial report?

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

How to draw up a financial statement for an association?
Beausoleil: an attractive town to base your business in

Direct debit

Reading time: 5 min

Why locate your business in Beausoleil?
A company's annual financial statements must be filed with the commercial court clerk's office.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

What is approval of a company's annual financial statements?
Opening a bank account for an association is one of the most important steps in the process.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

How to open a bank account for an association
Pôle Emploi facilitates business start-ups and takeovers through the public assistance it provides.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Starting a business: How can Pôle Emploi help?
Registering your joinery business gives you a prestigious head office address

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

How to become an independent carpenter?
Micro-entrepreneur: how much RSA can you receive?

Managing your business

Reading time: 4 min

How to combine RSA and a micro-business? Instructions for use
Micro-entrepreneurs must declare their income to URSSAF on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Managing your business

Reading time: 4 min

Microenterprises and URSSAF: everything you need to know!
The NAF code is assigned to companies by INSEE. Find out why it's useful.

Direct debit

Reading time: 4 min

What is a company's NAF code?
It's important to choose your company name wisely

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

Company name: everything you need to know!
Business creation leave enables entrepreneurs to launch their project without resigning

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Business creation leave: everything you need to know!
A shareholders' agreement may be useful to optimize the organization of an SAS.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

SAS: is it necessary to draw up a shareholders' agreement?
In SAS, proportional distribution of dividends is not mandatory

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

SAS: Everything you need to know about dividend distribution!