The Nice Côte d'Azur metropolitan area comprises 49 communes, over 550,000 inhabitants and 220,000 jobs in a wide variety of sectors. The four intercommunities of Nice Côte d'Azur, Vésubie, Tinée and the Mercantour resorts now form a single catchment area.
Closed in by the snow-capped peaks to the north and the sea to the south, this "vertical" area is highly attractive to all the communes of the Moyen et Haut Pays region, and to the whole of France! As a result, many business leaders decide to set up their headquarters in Nice, or the surrounding area, to take advantage of a host of benefits.
In fact, the company's registered address corresponds to that of its head office, and is an essential element of its identity. French law makes it possible to dissociate a company's place of business from its registered office.
It's the address that will appear on every official document, and it also determines your nationality, country of taxation and jurisdiction in the event of disputes. The domiciliation of your company is a top priority when setting up your company.
The southern region (formerly Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) has set itself a clear mission: to break down the wall that had been erected between the Region and companies. It wants to become a true partner to companies.
Several measures have been introduced to promote employment. Firstly, a regional business support system has been set up, available to all jobseekers, whether salaried or in a reflection period.
The aim is to :
Around 6,500 companies are supported every year by this scheme and its 200 reception points throughout the region.
An online portal has also been created at
Situated at the confluence of the main cities in the South of France(Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Cannes, etc.) and the Italian region of Liguria, Nice is connected to the world thanks to its international airport, ranked3rd in France!
Business start-ups benefit from particularly attractive support measures in the Nice metropolitan area. The CCI, the Chambre des Métiers et de l'Artisanat and Pôle Emploi organize workshops to help entrepreneurs set up or take over a business. Other players, such as ACEC BGE Côte d'Azur, IRCE and ADIE, have created specific schemes to encourage regional economic development.
The Nice CCI has created specific regional loans for business start-ups, interest-free and guarantee-free, from €15,000 to €100,000, repayable over 7 years with no deferment. There are also specific loans for business transfers, ranging from €15,000 to €150,000.
ESIA Côte d'Azur and Initiative Côte d'Azur are financing partners for employment, and support entrepreneurs in their efforts. Finally, Oséo offers loans, grants, cash advances, equity loans and guarantees.
A competitive cluster with over 2,500 companies and almost 40,000 jobs, it is at the cutting edge of scientific research, particularly in the fields of new technologies, media and telecommunications.
It also attracts numerous economic activities, with the construction of commercial and residential areas, public buildings and numerous services.
Choosing your registered office is the first decision you have to make when setting up your business. Why do so many entrepreneurs choose a domiciliation company?
Thanks to domiciliation companies, you can separate your head office from your actual place of work. In this way, you can benefit from a wide range of prestigious addresses to earn the trust of all your stakeholders. It's up to you to choose the one that suits you best!
Domiciliation companies offer services designed to outsource time-consuming, low value-added tasks: daily mail management, switchboard, legal and administrative assistance, meeting room rental, etc. These services can be chosen à la carte, depending on the company's needs and budget.
Corporate domiciliation reduces your head office costs and installation expenses. What's more, you can optimize your tax situation by targeting territories with low CFE (Contribution Foncière des Entreprises). Nice enjoys a certain attractiveness in this field, and also enables companies domiciled in the area to benefit from numerous operational and financial support schemes.
SeDomicilier combines all these valuable advantages, and enables you to obtain your certificate of domiciliation in less than 5 minutes, in a 100% online process. All your services are then available in a personalized, secure virtual office.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min