Rates tailored to your needs and budget

Your domiciliation at the best price

Direct debitfrom
0% savings
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €192€240€ .per month
10% savings
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €173€216€ .per month
20% savings
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €307€384per month
30% savings
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €403€504per month
  • Mail scanning
  • Anti-rejection insurance
  • 5/7 customer service
  • Exclusive partner offers
Take advantage of your direct debit at the best price, with no additional compulsory fees.Take advantage of your direct debit at the best price, with no additional compulsory fees.
Domiciliation + Creationfrom
Save 0%0% + free formalities
16€20€+ 139€*+ 120€*
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €331€360€ .per month
Savings 10%10% + free formalities
14€18€+ 0€*+ 0€*
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €173€216€ .per month
Savings 20%20% + free formalities
13€16€+ 0€*+ 0€*
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €307€384per month
Save 30%30% + free formalities
11€14€+ 0€*+ 0€*
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €403€504per month
  • Creation formalities
  • Mail scanning
  • Anti-rejection insurance
  • 5/7 customer service
  • Exclusive partner offers
*One-off set-up fee with first payment on registration*Set-up fee deducted once only, with first payment on registration, excluding compulsory administration fees.
Direct debit + Transferfrom
Save 0%0% + free formalities
16€20€+ 179€*+ 200€*
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €371€440per month
Savings 10%10% + free formalities
14€18€+ 0€*+ 0€*
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €173€216€ .per month
Savings 20%20% + free formalities
13€16€+ 0€*+ 0€*
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €307€384per month
Save 30%30% + free formalities
11€14€+ 0€*+ 0€*
per month, i.e. an initial payment of €403€504per month
  • Transfer formalities (+75€ if outside France)
  • Mail scanning
  • Anti-rejection insurance
  • 5/7 customer service
  • Exclusive partner offers
*Transfer fee deducted once only, with the first payment on registration, excluding compulsory administration fees.*Transfer fee deducted once only, with the first payment on registration, excluding compulsory administration fees.
Our other services
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Legal assistance
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Meeting room reservation
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Access to our partner offers
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CCI Paris
Don't know where to start?Because your project can't wait, our experts are here to answer all your questions!
Would you like to receive your mail in person?
À la carte
From €2.50 by post
Buy a forwarding pack from your customer area.
Business option
Forward your mail once a month to your forwarding address.
Premium option
Daily forwarding of your mail to your forwarding address.

Frequently asked questions

How much does a company domiciliation cost?
The cost of domiciliation depends on the address chosen and the associated services, such as mail management or meeting room rental. The average price charged by many domiciliation companies is €25 excluding VAT.
How much does it cost to set up a business?
Setting up a business costs around €200, including publication of the legal notice and the fees charged by the commercial court clerk's office. Additional costs are incurred if you decide to seek professional advice, or if you wish to bring in other sources of financing.
How much does it cost to transfer a registered office?
The cost varies. It will be higher if you leave the jurisdiction of your commercial court. Similarly, the cost of publication in a legal gazette will depend on the newspaper you choose. In this respect, you can take advantage of the competition among the newspapers in the département in which your company is located. The cost, excluding publication in a legal gazette, is between €185 and €251, depending on your new address.
Optimize your business management with SeDomicilierChoose a prestigious business address and benefit from a reliable mail scanning service, perfectly adapted to your company's needs.Let's get started!
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