The SIRET number is not mandatory for an association. Issued by INSEE, it is used to identify each establishment by assigning a unique number. Not all associations are required to have a SIRET number.
However, all are required to have an RNA (Répertoire National des Associations) number. This public directory is kept by each prefecture, and lists all registered associations headquartered in the département.
The RNA number is assigned automatically when the association is created. It begins with a W and is followed by nine digits.
Le SIREN is a unique 9-digit number used to identify a legal unit, whether an individual or a legal entity. It is not linked to the association's activity. It is assigned when the association is created in INSEE's SIRENE database.
While the SIREN represents the association (legal entity), the SIRET identifies an establishment, i.e. a geographically located unit where all or part of the SIREN unit's economic activity is carried out. For example, an association with several distinct places of business will have several SIRETs.
In reality, it's the SIREN number to which an NIC (Internal Classification Number) is added to characterize the association as a localized geographical unit.
The SIRET number can be requested for several important reasons. First and foremost, it is essential for obtaining subsidies. This applies whether the grant is from the town council, the region or any other local public body. On the other hand, it is not indispensable for collecting donations from individuals or companies.
The SIRET number is also essential for hiring employees in the association. For administrative reasons, URSSAF requires a SIRET number from all employers, including associations.
This is the case when the association is in competition with a private company engaged in a profit-making activity, or when it exceeds €82,800 in annual sales (for the sale of goods) and €33,200 in annual sales for the provision of services or liberal professions.
If you wish to benefit from subsidies, it's best to contact INSEE. If you want to hire employees, apply to URSSAF. Finally, if you're carrying out an activity subject to VAT, contact the relevantCFE (usually attached to the Commercial Court).
Once your file has been compiled, a certificate of registration in the SIREN register is sent to the association's head office.
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Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min