Detailed resources to get you started on your entrepreneurial project

Suggestions: ACRE, Kbis, domiciliation, micro-business, meeting room


Welcome to our SeDomicilier Blog!

We've put together a collection of excellent articles to help you make the legal sector understandable to everyone.

Whether you'd like to know more about corporate domiciliation before choosing your head office address, or simply find out more about your business project, diving into the resources below will help you increase your knowledge and see things more clearly.

The most popular
Transfer of registered office

Managing your business

Reading time: 13 min

How do I transfer a company's registered office?
There are many complementary services available to help you register your company.

Direct debit

Reading time: 18 min

What is domiciliation?
Setting up an SAS involves a number of stages.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 19 min

How do you set up an SAS?
Creating an SASU: discover the essential steps.

Setting up a company

Temps de lecture: 24 min

SASU creation: incorporation formalities
Setting up a company starts with choosing the address for its registered office.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 26 min

How to set up a company? Instructions for use
All our articles
All you need to know about withholding tax and personal income tax.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Withholding tax for businesses: how to collect income tax?
Protecting a company's domain name is a key step.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

Domain name protection
Entrepreneurs, locating your head office in Paris can be beneficial for your company's development.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

Entrepreneurs: why locate your headquarters in Paris?
Setting up a company also means knowing how to work in partnership.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

Starting a business: should you form a partnership?
Finding a chartered accountant for an entrepreneur can be a complex process.

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

Entrepreneurs: find your chartered accountant
The procedure for mothballing a company is complex. Here are the essential points to know.

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

Feature: putting a company into mothballs
Failure to pay dues may result in sanctions.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

URSSAF: penalties and collection
Reprendre ou créer une entreprise possède chacun ses avantages et ses inconvénients.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Faut-il créer ou reprendre une entreprise ?
Everything you need to know about the taxation of dividends in SARLs.

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

SARL: how are dividends taxed?
It is imperative that the entrepreneur respect a specific timeframe between the two ACRE applications.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

ACRE: deadlines between applications
Many contractors have to deal with late payments or even unpaid invoices.

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

Unpaid bills: the complete file!
Opening up your company's share capital to other investors by issuing shares is a useful way of raising new financing, ensuring its solidity and encouraging growth.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Opening up a company's share capital to investors
The EURL, or Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée, is a form of company run by a single shareholder.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

EURL: the sole shareholder
Protecting one's innovations is an important issue for all companies with large R&D budgets.

Direct debit

Reading time: 5 min

How do you protect your innovations?
Il est nécessaire de faire la distinction entre différentes notions parfois confondues : le nom commercial, le sigle et l’enseigne de l'entreprise.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

À quoi sert le nom commercial d’une entreprise ?
Dissolving and winding up an SCI is a common legal act that requires a certain knowledge of the procedures in force.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

SCI: dissolution and liquidation
The Chairman of an SAS plays a key role at the heart of the system, and may be called upon to commit the company to third parties.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

SAS: the role of the Chairman
The remuneration of a company's executives is set according to very precise rules, and can be deducted from the company's results.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Executive compensation: how does it work?
There are a number of steps involved in transforming a SAS into a SASU.

Managing your business

Reading time: 4 min

Converting an SAS into a SASU: the steps to follow
Business project: participative financing, also known as crowdfunding, is booming in France.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

Participatory financing: for which business project?