Are you a contractor? Depending on your activity, you may be in contact withURSSAF.
URSSAF, or Union de Recouvrement pour la Sécurité Sociale et les Allocations Familiales, is a government body whose main mission is to collect contributions and other social security payments owed by taxpayers, and to manage the Social Security system's cash flow.
URSSAF is also responsible for ensuring that contributions are properly paid.
If this is not the case, this organization is also responsible for collecting overdue payments and, if necessary, sanctioning defaulters.
To give you a few keys to understanding how URSSAF works, we're focusing today on sanctions and collection procedures relating to the payment of social security contributions.
First of all, we need to look at the time limits for late payment of social security contributions.
First and foremost, it is important to note that additional payment deadlines can be obtained in the event of cash-flow difficulties making it impossible to pay contributions.
To obtain such a delay, it is necessary to make a request by e-mail, telephone or post.
Once URSSAF has received your request, and based on your situation, a debt repayment plan can be set up, for a maximum period of 12 months, subject to certain conditions.
To achieve this, we need to :
In addition, this request for a delay must be fully justified by :
Finally, it's important to specify the procedures for processing files. If your request is accompanied by all the necessary documents, URSSAF will reply within 15 days, or within 48 hours if your request was made by e-mail.
Finally, any agreement to extend the deadline is backed up by a notification explicitly specifying all the deadlines to be met.
Finally, we need to consider the sanctions that may be incurred in the event of non-payment of contributions. These can be of various kinds.
In the event of failure to file the declaration within a pre-established deadline, the contractor will receive a financial penalty of up to €750. For more than one month's delay, the company will be liable to a further penalty of €750 for each month or fraction of a month's delay.
If the declaration is inaccurate, the taxpayer must pay a penalty of €750.
Finally, in the event of late payment of the contribution, the company must pay a late payment surcharge of 5% of the amount due. An additional late payment surcharge of 0.4% per month, i.e. 4.8% per annum, is payable once the contribution date has passed.
However, it is possible to obtain a discount on the penalties incurred.
In conclusion, it's essential to be well informed about the various URSSAF contribution declaration and payment deadlines. This can help you avoid considerable costs!
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min