Are you a young entrepreneur? If so, you may be eligible for start-up assistance: ACRE.
ACRE, or Aide au Chômeur Créateur ou Repreneur d'Entreprise, is an assistance scheme available to young entrepreneurs, aged between 18 and 26, embarking on an entrepreneurial adventure. It should be noted, however, that entrepreneurs who have already been granted ACRE must wait a certain amount of time before renewing their application.
To give you a clearer idea of how ACRE works, today we focus on the deadlines to be respected between two applications.
First of all, a few reminders about how ACRE works.
This is a real advantage when starting up a project, as it considerably reduces the amount of social security contributions to be paid at the outset.
It is then possible for an entrepreneur to benefit from such assistance, both whensetting up a new business and when taking over an existing one.
In order to be granted the aid, the entrepreneur must apply to URSSAF for the ACRE within 45 days of the company's creation. It is then necessary to wait one month for URSSAF to give an answer as to the acceptance or refusal of such a request.
If no response is received within this timeframe, the request is deemed to have been accepted.
Finally, it is important to point out that the entrepreneur can benefit from ACRE several times. To do so, the entrepreneur must allow a specific period of time to elapse before making a second application.
Of course, the latter must also meet the eligibility requirements, or risk being turned down.
Secondly, the entrepreneur must respect a specific timeframe between the two ACRE applications.
By way of illustration, an entrepreneur who first obtained ACRE on November 23, 2018, will have to wait until November 24, 2021 to be able to renew his application for assistance.
Please note that since an ACRE application must be submitted within 45 days of the creation of an entrepreneurial structure, there is very little time to benefit from the aid again if the new project is launched before the expiry of this deadline.
In conclusion, it's very important to take the timetable into account, so as not to have your second application automatically rejected by URSSAF. This would be a waste of time that could have been devoted to developing your business!
Stay alert!
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min