All you need to know about domiciliation

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Defining the address of your registered office is the first step before setting up your company.

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Reading time: 16 min

Where can you domicile your business?
Domicile your company in Paris or anywhere in France without obligation

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Reading time: 12 min

How do you register your company in France?
Company domiciliation

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Reading time: 6 min

What is a domiciliation center?
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Reading time: 4 min

Direct debit: everything you need to know
The advantages of a domiciliation company

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Reading time: 9 min

What is a boîte de domiciliation?
SCI domiciliation: how do you choose the address for your registered office?

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Reading time: 9 min

How to choose the registered office of an SCI?
Dissolving an SARL requires specific steps.

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Reading time: 5 min

Dissolving an SARL: what are the steps?
Every company must have a registered office and therefore a domiciliary address, right from the start!

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Reading time: 6 min

What is a domiciliation company?
The NAF code is assigned to companies by INSEE. Find out why it's useful.

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Reading time: 4 min

What is a company's NAF code?
Business domiciliation offers many advantages for entrepreneurs.

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Reading time: 7 min

The advantages of company domiciliation
Thanks to domiciliation companies, managing your SCI's mail becomes very simple

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Reading time: 6 min

SCI: Why choose company domiciliation?