Company domiciliation for micro-entrepreneurs

What are the advantages of domiciliation for micro-entrepreneurs?

Business domiciliation lets you benefit from a prestigious address at lower cost, delegate all your time-consuming tasks and save on taxes. Particularly suited to microentrepreneurs, let's discover all its advantages!
All you need to know about domiciliation
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Domicile your business in just a few clicks
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Your company's registered address is an essential part of its identity card. Also known as the "registered office", it is one of the first mandatory pieces of information to be filled in when your company is set up.

The domiciliation address determines the nationality of the company, its country of taxation and the competent jurisdiction in the event of disputes.

Micro-entrepreneurs can call on the services of a domiciliation company. These companies provide a prestigious head office address, and offer numerous additional services.

Today, domiciliation companies like SeDomicilier are innovative 100% online platforms. With prices starting from as little as €6.49, they are now much more attractive to all business owners.

Here's everything you need to know to take full advantage of the benefits of domiciliation as a microentrepreneur.

Using a domiciliation company as a micro-entrepreneur allows you to benefit from the many advantages of domiciliation and additional services!

What is company domiciliation?

Corporate domiciliation is a service provided by a domiciliation company to separate the address of a company's head office from its actual place of work.

First, it gives you the immediate benefit of a prestigious address, right in the heart of Paris or a major French metropolis.

This means you have a mailbox at this address, where you can receive all your mail. These can be forwarded to your actual place of work.

The domiciliation company must also provide storage space for your accounting documents.

If your company works with many partners abroad, having a registered address on the prestigious Avenue des Champs-Elysées can be a major advantage!

Other prestigious addresses, in Paris or in the regions, are also available. This is a real guarantee of credibility and seriousness for all your business and financial partners.

How to get rid of all your redundant and time-consuming tasks thanks to company domiciliation?

And that's not all! Domiciliation companies have expanded their range of services to make life easier for microentrepreneurs.

Who hasn't dreamed ofoutsourcing their day-to-day mail handling? Thanks to domiciliation companies, this is now possible. Received at your head office address, it is sorted, digitized and available for consultation from a personalized, secure online space.

You can opt to have it forwarded to your actual place of work, or to collect it on site.

Other services include a switchboard to answer calls in your absence and collect messages for you.

We also offer administrative and legal assistance to take care of many time-consuming, low-value-added procedures. Finally, fully-equipped meeting rooms can be rented to organize your meetings in complete confidentiality.

The "à la carte" offers enable companies to add or remove each service as and when they need it, creating a totally customized service.

How can I save taxes by domiciling my business?

All French businesses must pay the Contribution Foncière des Entreprises (CFE). But did you know that the CFE rate in Paris is lower than the national average? So it's possible to combine tax advantages with the city's reputation for developing your business.

Some ZFU and ZFU-TE tax-free zones even exempt you from paying the tax altogether.

If you wish to change your place of work, your registered office remains unchanged, saving you a lot of costly and time-consuming administrative procedures.

Normally, you need to amend your company's articles of association, publish a legal notice in an approved press and file a modification file with the commercial court clerk's office.

Business domiciliation is an easy-to-implement, flexible solution that provides valuable services for young entrepreneurs. From just a few dozen euros a month, you can benefit from a domiciliation address, mail forwarding and a virtual office to manage all your services.

It's not only the cheapest alternative, but also the most practical way of improving your company's performance on a day-to-day basis!

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
October 15, 2019
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