Company domiciliation

What is a domiciliation address for companies and individuals?

A domiciliation address is a service available to individuals and businesses, and delivered by a domiciliation company. Let's find out everything you need to know about a domiciliation address.
All you need to know about domiciliation
Reading time: 8min
Updated January 13, 2025
Domicile your business in just a few clicks
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All individuals and companies are required to have a postal address at which they can make contact with the French authorities. For a company, this is theaddress of its registered office. This is the first piece of information to be communicated when a company is set up, so it's of the utmost importance. It determines the company's nationality, its country of taxation and the competent jurisdiction in the event of a dispute.

For private individuals, the domiciliation address is usually that of your own home. However, if you have no fixed address in France, are hospitalized or under guardianship, you may benefit from the services of a domiciliation company .

Let's find out everything you need to know about your domiciliation address, for individuals and companies.

What is a domiciliation address?

A domiciliation address is an official point of contact at which mail can be received. Its role is similar to that of a post office box, issued by La Poste: to receive mail. In fact, all individuals and companies are required to have a reference address with the French administration.

A domiciliation box has the same requirements as a P.O. box. A P.O. box can only be delivered by La Poste. However, these are considered unreliable, which is why it is preferable to use the services of a domiciliation company to obtain a domiciliation address.

What is the purpose of a registered address for a private individual?

Obtaining a domiciliation box is for individuals wishing to benefit from a highly prestigious contact address. It can also be useful in a number of other situations:

  • If you're going to be away for a long time: people with several residences or expatriates will find this an ideal solution, and can rest assured that their mail will be taken care of. Mail is received, digitized and forwarded daily, by email, to its addressee.
  • If you don't have a fixed postal address: people who are nomadic or who don't have a fixed postal address can have a reference address to which they can receive mail. Mail is also digitized and forwarded daily.
  • If you are under guardianship or hospitalized: A domiciliation address will enable you to continue receiving social benefits. It also means you won't miss any important appointments, and you'll always be informed if you are contacted by any social or medical organization.

The most vulnerable people, without a stable address for more than 6 months, can contact the CCAS (Centres Communaux d'Action Sociale) and CIAS (Centres Intercommunaux d'Action Sociale) to obtain an administrative address.

What is the purpose of a business address?

Having a domiciliation address with a domiciliation company enables a company to outsource the day-to-day management of its mail. It eases the daily burden on entrepreneurs, enabling them to focus on what really matters: the success of their business. Much more than just a mailbox, domiciliation companiesoffer their customers awide range of services: switchboard, administrative and legal assistance, meeting room rental, day-to-day mail management, etc.


Corporate domiciliation protects your privacy by allowing you to separate the address of your company headquarters from your personal home. You are no longer obliged to display your personal address on all your official documents, in online business and legal directories, or on social networks. By displaying your home address, you protect your privacy, and that of your family.

Owning a domiciliation company allows your company to benefit from the reputation of many prestigious cities! By offering domiciliation addresses in France's most prestigious cities and neighborhoods, you can easily put the reputation of a renowned address to work for the success of your project. This helps to convey a serious, positive image of your company to all its stakeholders, and increases its potential for success.

How do I get my registered address?

To obtain a postal service, simply visit your local post office. For the domiciliation address, you can go to a domiciliation company or a specialized organization that will ask you to sign a contract detailing the various services you have chosen.

The domiciliation company

A domiciliation company will offer you several addresses in different cities. So you can make your choice according to your business strategy and expectations. You can also enlist the help of a specialist. Additional options, adapted to your situation, will also be offered, such as mail management or telephone permanence.

Other alternatives

You can also choose to set up your business in a co-working space or a business incubator. This solution is particularly popular with start-up self-employed entrepreneurs. They can take advantage of shared services to reduce administrative start-up costs.

Drawing up the contract

The domiciliation contract you sign will set out the services you will be taking out, as well as the various clauses governing the installation of the individual or company headquarters. The contract must cover at least a 3-month period, and can be renewed, even tacitly. Once the contract has been signed, each party keeps a copy.

Procedures required by direct debit companies

Each domiciliation company has relatively different procedures. However, proof of identity is often required when signing the contract. For companies, the SIRET number will also be required.

What are the advantages of commercial domiciliation in Paris?

There are a number of advantages to having your business domiciled with a domiciliation company in Paris:

  • You can choose a prestigious address without the arrondissement of your choice, such as the 8th or 16th, and why not even the Avenue des Champs-Élysées?
  • You can take advantage of a wide range of services to make your day-to-day life easier (mail management and scanning, switchboard, meeting room or office rental to suit your needs...).
  • The Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises (CFE) is not very high in Paris, so you can pay less tax.
  • If you move, you won't need to change your company address

Using a domiciliation address is therefore a simple, useful and inexpensive solution for both individuals and businesses.

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
November 22, 2021

How do I register my company?

Would you like to use a domiciliation center to locate your company's head office? Nothing could be simpler:

Estimated cost - €25.00

  • Give your company a great image!

    1. Make your company look good!

    Choose a head office address from a wide range of prestigious locations in France's best-valued cities and metropolises

  • Personalize your offer!

    2. Personalize your offer!

    Add additional services according to your needs and budget

  • Domicile your business in 5 minutes!

    3. Domicile your business in 5 minutes!

    Sign your contract and get your direct debit certificate in just a few clicks!

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Frequently asked questions

How much does company domiciliation cost?
Business domiciliation is a service available from a few dozen euros per month. The price depends on the address you choose and any additional services you may require.
Where can I domicile my company?
A company can be domiciled in the manager's personal home, in commercial premises, in a business incubator or with a domiciliation center.