Detailed resources to get you started on your entrepreneurial project

Suggestions: ACRE, Kbis, domiciliation, micro-business, meeting room


Welcome to our SeDomicilier Blog!

We've put together a collection of excellent articles to help you make the legal sector understandable to everyone.

Whether you'd like to know more about corporate domiciliation before choosing your head office address, or simply find out more about your business project, diving into the resources below will help you increase your knowledge and see things more clearly.

The most popular
Transfer of registered office

Managing your business

Reading time: 13 min

How do I transfer a company's registered office?
There are many complementary services available to help you register your company.

Direct debit

Reading time: 18 min

What is domiciliation?
Setting up an SAS involves a number of stages.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 19 min

How do you set up an SAS?
Creating an SASU: discover the essential steps.

Setting up a company

Temps de lecture: 24 min

SASU creation: incorporation formalities
Setting up a company starts with choosing the address for its registered office.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 26 min

How to set up a company? Instructions for use
All our articles
Discover the calendar of formalities for incorporating a company.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 7 min

Timetable for company incorporation formalities
Le BIC pour Bénéfices Industriels et Commerciaux et le BNC pour Bénéfices Non Commerciaux, sont bien différents.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

BIC ou BNC : quelles sont les différences ?
There are different ways of financing start-ups.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Creating a start-up: who to turn to for funding?
Many companies have choices to make when it comes to business loans.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Business credit: how to choose?
Company domiciliation: French law distinguishes between a company's domiciliation address and its place of business.

Direct debit

Reading time: 5 min

Company domiciliation: what does the law say?
Find out how a company agreement works.

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

How does a company agreement work?
Defining a company's share capital: a few explanations to help you understand.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Company share capital: definition and explanations
The commercial court clerk's office plays a central role in the life of companies!

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

Registry of the Commercial Court: its role for companies
Closing a company: mistakes not to be made.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Mistakes to avoid when closing a company
Entrepreneurs: choosing your chartered accountant is an essential step.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Entrepreneurs: how do you choose your chartered accountant?
The steps involved in setting up a franchise have a few special features.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 7 min

Creating a franchise: steps and particularities
The APE code, or Activité Principale Exercée, defines the main activity carried out by a company.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

APE code: what's it for?
The research and innovation tax credit is open to all companies investing in research and development.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

How to obtain a Research and Innovation Tax Credit?
Corporate tax returns are also being digitized.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Corporate tax returns: towards a digitalized process?
Setting up a holding company requires certain formalities.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

How do you set up a holding company?
SCI: there are a few steps involved in selling shares.

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

Selling shares in an SCI: the steps to follow
The status of "Young Innovative Company" (JEI) offers numerous tax and social benefits.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Young Innovative Company: how to qualify?
The family real estate investment company (SCI familiale) optimizes the management and transfer of property within the family circle.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

All you need to know about the family SCI
Le pacte d’associés est un acte juridique extra-statutaire permettant de préciser le contenu des statuts d’une société.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Qu’est-ce qu’un pacte d’associés ?
Annonce légale : découvrez quand et comment réaliser ces formalités administratives.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

Annonce légale : quand et comment ?