Contractor: finding the right information can be very complicated.

Entrepreneurs: Where to find the right information?

Regulations, tax and social security obligations, procedures to follow: the jungle of Internet sites is not always populated with good advice and trustworthy information. Here's how to get reliable information!
Tips and tricks
Reading time: 4min
Updated October 5, 2019
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The appearance of new standards, the creation of new systems or the modification of several texts means that companies have to keep constantly abreast of changes in the operating environment of their sector of activity.

To do this, they need access to reliable sources of information to make the right choices.

Unfortunately, the proliferation of media and Internet sites does not allow us to improve the processing of information. It's not uncommon to come across conflicting or even totally contradictory information.

With this in mind, here are our tips for getting the best possible information and making the right choices for your business

Dossier: how to find the right information

How do I find out about a law or official regulation?

Beware of interpretations, reports or summaries that often fail to address the many special cases provided for in official texts. For each new law, numerous websites offer their "point of view".

Remain wary, as it is sometimes written to influence users in favour of consuming a service, for example.

The best way to obtain complete, reliable information is to visit the Légifrance website, the only platform managed by the French administration to disseminate the law to all natural and legal persons.

You'll find all the relevant legislation, regulations, case law and collective agreements.

European and international law resources are also available to all users. Légifrance services are accessible free of charge.

Where can I find reliable sources of information?

Whether you're a self-employed entrepreneur, craftsman, shopkeeper or self-employed professional, there are plenty of service companies offering to take care of your administrative formalities or provide you with information. These can be useful, but the only official platforms certified by the state are those that emanate directly from the official services of public administrations or launched at the initiative of the government.

Since the beginning of March 2018, Secretary of State for Digital Mounir Mahjoubi has launched the Démarches Simplifiées platform to dematerialize and simplify administrative procedures.

Users can submit their requests and track their files online

Our processes now run more smoothly and are processed more quickly, while saving on operating costs.

All procedures and practical information are directly accessible on the official websites of each administration:

  • Autoentrepreneur portal
  • Ministry of Labor
  • Official website of the French National Assembly
  • Direction générale des Finances publiques etc... 

They are generally equipped with a search bar that allows you to filter requests by publication date, type of text or theme.

The official website of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry offers advice to businesses through practical information sheets designed to guide each entrepreneur through the process:

It also contains numerous studies carried out by CCI analysts to guide business leaders in their choices.

This information is deemed objective and impartial, and is based on reliable sources such as INSEE.

It also includes a "Territorial information " section, dedicated to informing you about any provisions specific to your geographical area.

For example, you can find out more about the new initiatives and schemes created by your region to support business leaders; such as Entrepreneur #Leader in Ile-de-France since January 2018.

There's no shortage of reliable, trustworthy sources, and it's possible to be properly informed by making the right choices on the net.

Above all, make sure you have all the information you need from reliable sources before embarking on any project.

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
April 13, 2018
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