All the advantages of corporate domiciliation in Lyon.

The advantages of corporate domiciliation in Lyon

Your choice of address depends on your company's sector of activity, its objectives and the image it wishes to project to its partners. Opting for Lyon and its region for your domiciliation will offer you many advantages!
Reading time: 5min
Updated October 5, 2019
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The registered office is the official address of a company. It therefore determines the company's nationality, its tax regime and the legal bodies competent to settle disputes. French law permits the separation of the registered office from the place of work.

They can therefore use the services of a domiciliation company to adopt a different address, one that is likely to bring them many advantages. As a true symbol and reflection of the image your company wishes to convey to its future partners, the registered office address must appear on all official documents.

Choosing an address in Lyon, a dynamic city with an urban area of nearly 2.1 million inhabitants, offers a number of advantages to encourage the growth of your project

Special report: the advantages of company domiciliation in Lyon

Lyon,1st business-friendly city in France!

Before we talk about the advantages of business domiciliation in Lyon, it's important to look at the city itself! As France's third-largest city, Lyon is currently the most attractive city for businesses nationwide. 60% of company directors consider it to be the best alternative to Paris as a business location.

Numerous international groups have already decided to set up operations here, and a large number of high-growth projects are being federated around these attractive clusters.

Emirates, Renault Trucks, Sanofi, Boiron and Euronews have already placed their trust in Lyon.

In addition to its many dynamic companies, Lyon is home to nearly 14,000 researchers and 600 laboratories, concentrating on R&D investments that benefit all companies in the metropolis.

In the image of ambitious urban projects such as Lyon Part-Dieu and Lyon Confluence, the city aims to be modern and forward-looking, by including all sustainable development issues in its Lyon Smart City project.

R&D expenditure in the Rhônes-Alpes region is equal to that of Finland, Denmark or the Madrid and Barcelona regions combined.

Attractive neighborhoods for businesses

Lyon is home to a number of business districts that are particularly popular with companies.

First and foremost, the Part-Dieu district is the strategic heart of the Lyon region.

Lyon Vaise is renowned for being home to a large number of innovative companies in the digital sector. Demand for premises in these areas is high, and business domiciliation services are growing rapidly, with offers to suit all budgets and needs.

Confluence is Lyon's new business district, home to a large number of service-sector companies. The supply of new offices is greater here, and at more affordable prices.

Finally, the Hôtel de Ville district is the historic, administrative, financial and cultural heart of the city. It's a good brand image for your foreign customers and those from other parts of France.

Why domicile your business in Lyon?

  • 19th most attractive city in the world for international investors;
  • 1st business-friendly metropolis in France ;
  • France's1st most attractive metropolis;
  • 10th most attractive metropolis on the European real estate market, with 845 million euros of real estate investment in 2016;
  • Lyon is home to more than 144,500 students, including 10% from abroad, in high-performance university clusters. They provide high-quality talent, making it easy for companies to find trained personnel;
  • Lyon Saint Exupéry airport serves over 115 destinations in France and abroad.

France's 2nd-largest tertiary park, Lyon is an attractive alternative to Paris, with costs 30% lower on average.

Lyon is a competitive destination that is open to the world, attracting more and more companies every year. As the 2nd happiest region in France according to the Index Relatif du Bonheur, the complementarity between existing companies, training centers and research laboratories offers real opportunities for rapid, sustainable growth of your project.

*Sources: IBM Global Location Trends 2016, L'Express 2016, PriceWaterHouseCoopers.

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
April 12, 2018
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