Moving company: tips for never having to change your head office again!

Moving company: tips for never having to change your head office again!

Choosing the best address for your company's headquarters is a crucial issue. Whether at home, in commercial premises or with a domiciliation company, explore all the possibilities available to you here.
Tips and tricks
Reading time: 5min
Updated October 5, 2019
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A company's registered office is the address of its legal domicile, which is why it must be changed every time the company moves .

It is set out in the Articles of Association at the time of creation and may be changed during the life of the company.

Above all, a fast-growing company is likely to change its premises several times in a short space of time: from the company director's home to a business premises, via a domiciliation company, the multiple changes require the renewal of cumbersome and costly administrative procedures to change the registered office address.

This is a decision that deserves careful consideration, so that you can choose the solution best suited to your needs.

File: moving your company - what are the tips?

Choosing the right address for your head office

Before making your choice, youneed toexamine your business, its growth prospects and its needs.

Then go through all the solutions available to you and decide on the one that suits you best. 

In general, many self-employed people and entrepreneurs start out by domiciling their business in their own home. Seemingly simple and inexpensive, this is in fact a restrictive solution in several respects.

First of all, each of your moves will entail a change of registered office.

It is not possible to domicile a business in your own home for more than 5 years, and there are many restrictions , particularly in the Paris region where it is not always possible to receive the public or goods.

Above all, this solution discloses your personal address to the general public, as it must appear on all your official documents.

Domiciling your business in your own home therefore has a number of disadvantages in terms of privacy, and doesn't always allow you to keep your private life separate from your professional life. Finally, this solution does not give your company a very credible image, which does not encourage business growth.

When you rent commercial premises, you sign a lease and are subject to a number of financial conditions that are not always easy to manage (deposit of security, guarantee against non-payment, etc.).

Honouring a monthly rent of several hundred euros is not always a good idea for small businesses, who would prefer to invest elsewhere.

Fortunately, domiciliation companies offer you all the advantages of an address separate from your personal home, and without any substantial financial overheads.

Domiciliation companies enable you to set up your head office at a prestigious address that will earn the trust of your partners, and to benefit from a wide range of services enabling you to focus on developing your business.

It also allows you to keep your private and professional lives separate, while enjoying the benefits of working from home.

From simple mail forwarding and scanning, to secretarial services with call forwarding, administrative and legal assistance, meeting room rental and storage space for all your documents.

From just a few dozen euros a month, you can free up extra time on a daily basis by getting rid of small, cumbersome and unrewarding tasks.

Make the best choice for your needs

Every company is unique, so there's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution. However, there is "the" best solution for your business.

Take a clear-sighted look at the time-consuming tasks that hamper your day-to-day efficiency (mail management, administrative formalities, managing telephone calls and voicemail, etc.) and deduce the solution that suits you best.

Whereas a business premises contract commits you, a direct debit contract can be terminated after just three months, subject to compulsory notice.

For example, a company with international activities will benefit from a powerful image effect if ituses a domic iliationcompany to domicile its activities on Avenue des Champs-Elysées. However, would it have had the financial means to rent commercial premises on "the most beautiful avenue in the world"?

In short, there are plenty of opportunities to seize if you want to domicile your business at the best possible address, optimize your growth and avoid recurring changes of address. 

Today's domiciliation companies have adapted to the digital age, offering fully paperless management of business services via an intuitive, interactive online platform.

However, it's not a decision to be taken lightly, which is why it's essential to carefully examine the services your company deserves to optimize its growth and performance over the long term.

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
April 24, 2018
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