Setting up a company

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A wide range of assistance schemes are available to help business buyers make a success of their project.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

Business takeover grants: how to obtain them?
The cost of the various formalities involved in setting up a company is not negligible.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

The cost of business start-up formalities
Definition: the SIREN number is a number assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

What is the SIREN number?
There are many advantages to corporate domiciliation for a SASU!

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

SASU: the advantages of company domiciliation
The Jeune Entreprise Universitaire status was developed to encourage students to set up their own businesses.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

Young university company status: essential information
Il y a plusieurs raisons de choisir la SAS pour créer une start-up.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Start-up : pourquoi créer une SAS ?
Pour constituer une SCI, des apports en capital sont nécessaires.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Les apports en capital pour constituer une SCI
Many young entrepreneurs want to set up their own business, and they are the target of a wide range of grants designed to help them succeed.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

Help for young entrepreneurs
EIRL, découvrez les avantages et les caractéristiques de cette forme juridique.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

EIRL : caractéristiques et avantages
To set up a one-person company, you can choose between an EURL (Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée) or a SASU (Société par Actions Simplifiées Unipersonnelle).

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

Single-member company: which legal form to choose?
Certains acteurs publics accompagnent la création d'entreprise.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Public sector: who can help you set up your business?
To create an EIRL or an EURL, choose your status by taking into account all the essential information.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

EIRL or EURL: which legal form to choose?
Discover the calendar of formalities for incorporating a company.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 7 min

Timetable for company incorporation formalities
Le BIC pour Bénéfices Industriels et Commerciaux et le BNC pour Bénéfices Non Commerciaux, sont bien différents.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

BIC ou BNC : quelles sont les différences ?
There are different ways of financing start-ups.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Creating a start-up: who to turn to for funding?
The commercial court clerk's office plays a central role in the life of companies!

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

Registry of the Commercial Court: its role for companies
The steps involved in setting up a franchise have a few special features.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 7 min

Creating a franchise: steps and particularities
Plusieurs étapes sont nécessaires pour créer une auto-entreprise.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Quelles sont les étapes pour créer son auto-entreprise ?
The APE code, or Activité Principale Exercée, defines the main activity carried out by a company.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

APE code: what's it for?
The research and innovation tax credit is open to all companies investing in research and development.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

How to obtain a Research and Innovation Tax Credit?
Setting up a holding company requires certain formalities.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

How do you set up a holding company?
The status of "Young Innovative Company" (JEI) offers numerous tax and social benefits.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Young Innovative Company: how to qualify?
The family real estate investment company (SCI familiale) optimizes the management and transfer of property within the family circle.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

All you need to know about the family SCI
Le pacte d’associés est un acte juridique extra-statutaire permettant de préciser le contenu des statuts d’une société.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Qu’est-ce qu’un pacte d’associés ?
Annonce légale : découvrez quand et comment réaliser ces formalités administratives.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

Annonce légale : quand et comment ?
Immatriculation d'une entreprise : découvrez les 5 étapes essentielles !

Setting up a company

Reading time: 7 min

Les 5 étapes de l’immatriculation d’une entreprise