Do you want to develop your entrepreneurial activity?
You'll need to complete a number of administrative formalities before you can concentrate on growing your business.
These steps will enable you to obtain a number of essential documents needed for the smooth running of your business.
These include the Kbis certificate.
To shed some light on the usefulness of the Kbis and the steps you need to take to obtain it, we focus today on this document!
To begin with, we need to give a precise definition of the Kbis or Kbis extract.
The latter is an administrative document proving the legal existence of any company with a commercial activity.
This document may be requested as it serves as the company's identity card.
As such, the Kbis extract contains all the information concerning the company, as listed in the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés or RCS :
Secondly, we need to consider the role of such a document.
Failure to do so could be considered as an offence of "concealed work".
The Kbis is therefore seen as a company identity document, not only for any individual wishing to obtain information about the company, but also for the administrative authorities.
This document can also be used to open a bank account, purchase equipment and goods, or apply for a takeover bid.
The question is how to get it!
Finally, it's important to know how to obtain a Kbis extract.
As mentioned above, such a document is completely public. This means that anyone can obtain the Kbis extract for a specific company directly from the clerk's office of the Commercial Court on which the company concerned depends.
For these extracts to be available, companies must have registered with the RCS.
A request for a Kbis extract can then be made either online or directly to the Registrar of the Commercial Court with the following information:
This Kbis extract will then be issued by the court clerk.
It's worth noting thatobtaining such a license is not free of charge:
In conclusion, to be able to concentrate on developing your business, you need to follow all the steps involved in registering your company and obtaining your Kbis.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min