There are many advantages to corporate domiciliation for a SASU!

SASU: the advantages of company domiciliation

Commercial domiciliation for SASU companies!
Legal forms
Reading time: 4min
Updated October 5, 2019
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Are you planning to set up a SASU? But you don't know where to register it?

A SASU, or "Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle", relies solely on a " single shareholder ". Created in 1999, this legal form is renowned for its flexibility (in terms of governance and liquidity) and adaptability to different sectors. It is a variant of the SAS for "Société par Actions Simplifiée", with a single shareholder.

Secondly, the SASU is a "joint stock" company, which differentiates it from the EURL (Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée) or the SARL (Société à Responsabilité Limitée), which operate on the basis of "shares". The sole shareholder of such a structure is not only the shareholder, but also the "president".

The SASU is a legal form that allows you to run your business alone, while limiting your legal liability. The question is where to domicile such a structure.

Focus today on the advantages of company domiciliation for a SASU

Dossier: the advantages of company domiciliation for a SASU

Get a prestigious head office to boost your business

Commercial domiciliation offers a significant advantage over other forms of business domiciliation: the possibility of choosing your own domiciliation address.

Because positioning your head office can be of real strategic interest

It goes without saying that registering your structure at a prestigious address immediately confers greater influence, attractiveness, visibility and credibility with potential customers and partners.

However, domiciling your company at a truly prestigious address often seems out of the question. Business domiciliation makes it possible.

A company domiciled on the Avenue des Champs-Elysées brings credibility and confidence.

This will enable you to boost the growth of your business!

Avoid time-consuming tasks

Secondly, domiciling your business with a domiciliation company is also an opportunity to simplify the management of your day-to-day tasks.

As such, the domiciliation company will take care of the often time-consuming administrative tasks of the domiciled person, and in particular the management of his mail, including :

  • Receiving mail
  • Processing and stcking incoming mail
  • Scanning or forwarding mail

This service is a real helping hand for company directors.

This time saving allows them to focus entirely on the development of their projects.

Boost the professional dimension with additional services 

Finally, business domiciliation via a domiciliation company is not just a matter of delegating the management of your mail.

We also offer a wide range of additional services, such as fully-equipped meeting rooms for customer meetings, telephone secretarial services for taking messages and screening calls, and assistance with legal and accounting formalities...

It's also the chance to take advantage of a fully digitalized customer area

These services offer entrepreneurs the opportunity to save a great deal of time and energy by choosing commercial domiciliation.

It's important to note that these services can be tailored to suit your budget.

This means contractors don't have to make a long-term commitment to this type of ancillary service.

On the contrary, the offer is flexible, adaptable to your needs, situation and budget, making it suitable for all profiles and projects.

In conclusion, corporate domiciliation is an alternative that is perfectly suited to the SASU, not least because of the flexibility that characterizes both, and can appear as a possible major growth lever for your company.

Written by our expert Quentin Moyon
July 2, 2018
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