Are you setting up your own business? The CFE will be one of your main contacts.
CFE stands for Centre de Formalités des Entreprises.
The purpose of the CFE is to support entrepreneurs and make it easier for them to carry out all the administrative formalities involved in setting up a business.
It is nevertheless necessary to clarify the role of this institution.
First, we need to look at the CFE's role in providing information.
As well as being able to support you in setting up your structure, it acts as a reliable government contact where a wealth of information is centralized.
As a result, the CFE is responsible for transmitting all the information concerning the creation of your company to the various institutions concerned(Greffe, INSEE, CRAM, URSSAF, etc.).
In short, it's a one-stop shop for all company registration procedures, making life easier for entrepreneurs.
Secondly, the CFE's role is to help entrepreneurs set up their business.
The latter is involved from the moment a company is set up, and continues to support the project owner through every stage of the process.
The CFE is in fact a place where it is possible to submit declarations relating to :
Who you choose as your contact depends on two criteria:
In addition to this, it is also necessary to contact the CFE of your département, as these entities have territorial jurisdiction .
In conclusion, it is vital to maintain a good relationship with the CFE, as it is a key contact for any entrepreneurial project.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min