There are other alternatives that offer numerous benefits and savings!
A company can rent commercial premises to house its activities.
This address can serve as your company's headquarters, or simply as your place of work. Depending on your activity, you may also opt to work from home, using a company address.
This solution offers many advantages. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and this dilemma is often faced by growing companies who prefer to expand before hiring.
Renting commercial premises is undoubtedly the most flexible solution if you want to move to larger premises as your business grows.
If this is the case, the company can leave the premises quite flexibly, depending on the notice period specified in the lease.
Secondly, this solution enables the company to build its true identity, and the prestige of the address helps reinforce its reputation with all its partners.
Last but not least, leasing commercial office space also allows you to deduct rent and insurance costs from your company's taxable income.
First of all, the costs involved in leasing commercial premises are often underestimated.
In addition to the monthly rent, the payment of a security deposit and possibly a bank guarantee is sometimes a constraint, especially at the start of a business.
A young company with limited financial capacity cannot make such an investment without compromising its ability to invest or grow.
Finally, you also run the risk of not having your lease renewed, and of having to leave your commercial premises at a time that is not financially convenient.
This solution presents a number of significant risks, not always easy to anticipate for a young company.
And all the administrative and taxformalities to deal with distract the entrepreneur from his core business.
Renting office space is not always necessary, and must be decided on a case-by-case basis according to the specific needs of each structure.
Often perceived as a flexible, reliable solution, renting office space can turn out to be a constraint on business growth.
By choosing a prestigious address for their business, entrepreneurs can combine a major boost to their profile with the flexibility offered by working from home, while limiting their expenses.
Domiciliation companies often offer à la carte services to suit all budgets, starting at just a few dozen euros a month for a head office address with mail forwarding.
You can add a switchboard, administrative or legal assistance, or the rental of meeting rooms, for example.
Corporate domiciliation allows all employees to concentrate on growing their business by delegating redundant and time-consuming tasks at a limited cost.
Finally, it protects the privacy of the company director by keeping his or her personal address confidential.
That's why considering your company's status and needs is essential to making the right choice of premises, and optimizing its growth potential.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min