You're about to locate your company, and you're hesitating between the city center or a large urban area? Why not choose a business center?
A business center is made up of small, medium and large premises, fully equipped to meet the needs of new tenants and the development of their activities, with the aim of welcoming entrepreneurs and companies from all sectors. In a business center, space is optimized to provide offices, meeting rooms and relaxation areas designed to welcome customers and prospects in a warm, professional atmosphere.
The advantage of business centers is that they are fully equipped in terms of furniture (desks, chairs, armchairs, lamps, etc.) and/or provide the technical resources required for daily business activity (Internet connection, printer, overhead projector, etc.).
The architecture of the premises is designed to be flexible and modular, with the possibility of renting removable meeting rooms according to requirements. Variable in size, soundproofed and bright, the meeting rooms are designed to host seminars, training sessions, teamwork meetings and/or conferences.
Business centers offer their customers a wide range of services. One of the first services offered to tenants is the rental of fully-equipped offices, with workstations or openspaces facilitating teamwork, for a variable duration depending on the customer's needs. The form of rental is flexible to meet the temporary needs of target companies.
An additional advantage is the possibility of renting offices or meeting rooms in addition to domiciliation. While some companies need to rent an office for a long period of time, the vast majority of entrepreneurs opt for occasional rentals to welcome their customers and prospects. Beyond the ease of access and services offered to cost-conscious corporate clients, renting office space in a business center doesn't require any major investment.
When it comes to formalities, domiciling a company in a business center is carried out in the same way as a conventional domiciliation, with no additional formalities.
A business center can be a real asset for the company domiciled on its premises, and its ultimate vocation is to be a showcase for the company. Thanks to telephone answering and virtual office services, the receptionists, or office managers, present on the premises can receive calls from domiciled companies having subscribed to this option. In addition, a personal business number (telephone alias) redirecting calls to the customer's telephone number can also be included in the domiciliation package.
Finally, in terms ofinnovation and renewal of the business centeroffer, additional services have been introduced. Some centers are adding a wide range of services tailored to the needs of their corporate clients. The following services are particularly noteworthy in the development of the business offer:
In conclusion, domiciliation companies offering head office addresses in business centers offer their customers a double advantage: visibility and the possibility of benefiting from a range of tailor-made services.
Ultimately, the choice of location for a company between a business center or a domiciliation facility depends on the ancillary services offered and the positive brand image you wish to project. The location of these centers in business districts, as well as the possibility of benefiting from virtual office services (telephone permanence, dematerialized switchboard, telephone redirection) and the rental of meeting rooms and offices, is an undeniable asset for companies wishing to reduce their fixed costs as much as possible!
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min