Setting up a business today is very different from just a few years ago. Since 2023, it has been possible and compulsory to access the formalities for setting up a business online. This paperless approach facilitates the transmission of information, saves time and simplifies the whole process for entrepreneurs.
But before taking the various steps involved in setting up your online business, you need to choose the legal form of the company on which your business will be built.
While the formalities involved in setting up a business are simplified for auto-entrepreneurs, the same is far from true for those setting up a company. Between the numerous administrative formalities involved in registering a company, the deadlines imposed and the documents you need to enclose, setting up your business can be a time-consuming process.
That's why it's so important to choose the right legal status first, so that you can save time by only having to deal with the formalities involved in setting up your type of company. There are three main options, depending on your business and your project:
There are several advantages to micro-enterprise, all of which are designed to make everyday life easier for a sole trader:
The main aim of the micro-enterprise scheme is to enable entrepreneurs to work alone, without having to rely on a team of accountants, payroll administrators or tax advisors.
However, this diet also has its drawbacks:
The sole proprietorship is a legal framework very often used by entrepreneurs, because it includes many advantages:
Whether it's the simplified tax system, which eliminates the need for accounting obligations and allows basic VAT exemption, or the absence of a General Meeting and collegial decision-making on major issues, the Sole Proprietorship system is very appealing.
However, it does have its drawbacks:
The corporate form includes many different legal forms, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:
While the public limited company is an extremely costly legal form, requiring a substantial amount of start-up capital and subject to extremely cumbersome formalities, the same cannot be said of other legal forms.
Generally speaking, they enable the legal personality of the company to be separated from that of the entrepreneur, and thus protect personal assets far more effectively than is the case with sole proprietorships or micro-businesses.
SAS and SARL are the two legal forms to consider when several people want to form a partnership.
There are also differences in terms of the social security system for managers :
SASU and EURL are companies with a single shareholder. The EURL is the single-member form of the SARL, and the SASU is the single-member form of the SAS. If you're planning to set up a company or startup on your own, you'll need to choose between the EURL or SASU and their distinct legal form.
In general, it's the manager's social security system that will make the difference:
Here is a table summarizing the points of divergence or commonality between the different legal forms.
Today, we all want things to happen quickly, because time is money, and time is better spent doing your job than wasting it on tedious red tape.
Setting up a business online is naturally simpler and quicker than physically visiting a Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE).
In addition, since January 1, 2023, it has been compulsory for all entrepreneurs to use the the "one-stop shop" on the Internet for business start-up, modification and closure formalities. This dematerialized one-stop shop replaces the CFEs, which have been abolished. As indicated on the government website, the one-stop shop applies to all businesses, whatever their legal form or activity.
In any case, some of the formalities involved in setting up a business will have to be carried out online. That's why there are so many advantages to doing everything online.
In many professions, you can run your business directly from home, with just an Internet connection and the right hardware. The same applies to the tools you'll need to run your business. Whether it's your e-commerce store or the platform on which you sell your products or services, everything is available directly on the Internet, sometimes even free of charge.
But setting up your business online also allows you to call on all the necessary services and even delegate certain tasks to professionals:
It's important to ensure that all the formalities involved in setting up a company are properly completed, so as not to create any legal, tax or governance loopholes for your business in the future.
You can also entrust domiciliation to a domiciliation company, whose services you can obtain on the Internet.
A subscription to a domiciliation company gives you a recognized address, in a well-known district for example, and the benefit of associated services offered by the chosen company, to efficiently meet your needs. It's the ideal alternative to renting commercial premises, or choosing your own home to domicile your business.
Domiciliation companies enable you to benefit from a prestigious head office address, in neighborhoods that are usually inaccessible.
Domiciliation companies also offer a wide range of services designed to outsource time-consuming tasks with little added value:
These services can be chosen à la carte, according to your company's needs and budget. Thanks to SeDomicilier, you can obtain a certificate of domiciliation online in less than 5 minutes!
All your functions are then available in a personalized, secure virtual office. Business domiciliation allows you to lighten your day-to-day work load and really focus on high value-added missions: those that really make your project a success!
Although you can buy a domain name and create your website anywhere, anytime, for around €15 a year in hosting fees, you can't do without setting up a business.
First of all, you need to register your company online to obtain its Siren number (or Siret, APE code), and for companies, its intra-Community VAT number. This information will be supplied to you by the guichet unique via a Kbis extract as soon as your company is officially registered and on the market.
For trading companies, you won't be able to join any online sales platform without entering your intra-Community VAT number.
The stages of setting up a company are as follows:
The parties involved will then send you proof of your company's registration on a document : Kbis extract. This makes your company's existence and legitimacy official, and gives you the information you'll need later: the Siren (and/or Siret) number, and the APE code.
Depending on the legal form of your company, the supporting documents required for your application may vary.
However, you must enclose the following documents:
Good to know: a beneficial owner is an individual who directly or indirectly owns more than 25% of the share capital . share capital or voting rights, or who exercises effective control over the company.
The steps outlined above are general to all business creators. But if you want to set up a company, you'll need to take a few extra steps online before applying for registration on the one-stop shop.
Once you've chosen the legal form of your business, if it's a company, you'll need to draw up its articles of association. This document is crucial, as it organizes the life of your company.
The bylaws determine :
It is possible, but risky, to use generic model articles of association, as these are standardized and do not take into account the specific features of the activity in question. Unless you can find a model adapted to your company's legal form and your sector of activity, it's best to entrust the drafting of your articles of association to a specialist. draft your articles of association to a professional who will leave no technical point to chance.
Nowadays, this formality is also possible without having to go to the bank. It's up to you whether you prefer a traditional bank or an online bank, in which case you can compare different banks on the Internet and opt for the best value for money.
Once you've chosen a bank, you'll need to open a business account. A business account is compulsory for companies, whereas sole traders and micro-entrepreneurs need only have an account dedicated to their business income, but it can be a conventional bank account (which is still cheaper).
You then deposit your company's share capital: each partner makes a simple transfer of the desired sum to the business account(the amount is free, except for SAs and SCAs, which must be at least 37,000 euros).
Once the funds have been received and verified, the bank will send you a certificate of deposit by e-mail and then by post. Once your company has been registered with the "guichet des formalités des entreprises", you can release this share capital.
By publishing a legal notice of your company's registration, you formalize the existence of your company and its main characteristics for third parties and the professional market. You must publish this notice in a legal gazette (Journal d'Annonces Légales or JAL).
To request publication of a registration notice via the Internet, contact an online press service (SPEL). You'll find a list of these service providers on the website.
Once your ad has been published, you'll receive a certificate from the SPEL, which is essential for the next step in setting up a business online: registering your company with the online one-stop shop, via the public services.
Now that you've completed these three steps to setting up a company, you can apply for registration online at the "guichet unique" (one-stop shop), as we saw together above.
If your application is complete, your company will be registered in the National Business Register (RNE) and you will receive a K-Bis extract. That's it, you're officially on the market, and ready to work.
If your application is incomplete, you will receive a receipt from the "guichet unique" specifying the missing documents to be returned within 15 working days.
The cost of setting up your business varies according to the legal status you have chosen. In fact, the cost and steps involved in setting up a sole proprietorship are quick and easy, whereas a company is subject to more complex rules and therefore higher costs.
Registering a micro-entrepreneur online is free of charge.
The cost of registering a sole proprietorship varies according to the business activity. Self-employed professionals and farmers can register their business online free of charge. On the other hand, a registration fee of €24.08 is charged for commercial activities, and €45 for handicrafts.
The costs of setting up a company are as follows:
When planning your budget, don't forget that other costs will be added to the cost of setting up your business, such as accounting, insurance, registering your trademark with the INPI, or even a specific membership for the profession you practice.
The time between the start of administrative formalities and receipt of your KBis extract varies from two weeks to several months, depending on the type of set-up you have chosen and the completeness of your file.
You must fill in the forms carefully and submit all supporting documents. If your application is rejected by the commercial court clerk's office, the entire registration process may be delayed.
In conclusion, setting up a business has never been easier than since the invention of the Internet. From registration to banking and accounting, not forgetting company domiciliation, all the services you need to start up and run a business are just a click away.
You'll find everything you and your business need online:
Of course, this list is not exhaustive. You too can create and manage your business entirely online !
To create your company, you must :
Draw up the company's incorporation file.
Take an installation preparation course (SPI), depending on your activity.
Launch your business!
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min