Establishing a strict organizational framework is essential if you want to telework under the best possible conditions.

How to work from home

The Covid-19 epidemic is forcing us to work from home whenever possible. Why not extend the experiment? Many salaried and self-employed workers are experiencing all the advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting. Here's an overview.
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The national lockdown decreed by the government is leading us (some for the very first time) to work from home.

Telecommuting is becoming increasingly widespread, with more and more companies, and more and moreentrepreneurs, adopting this new way of working. Company founders are also wondering about the advantages and disadvantages of this new daily organization.

On the face of it, there are many advantages: the ability to organize your day-to-day life in a more flexible way, a comfortable working environment conducive to productivity, the absence of fixed working hours and lunch breaks at home, and so on. However, there are also a number of pitfalls to avoid if you want to avoid the risk of isolation.

Let's find out everything there is to know about working from home, the opportunities available and all the best tips for adopting it on a daily basis.

Teleworking: our tips for successfully working from home

How can I work from home?

For employees, teleworking is a possibility open to all those whose physical presence in the workplace is not essential. It is governed by several official texts.

Each employee must obtain a written agreement from his or her employer, setting out in particular the conditions for switching to teleworking, the monitoring procedures and the hours to be worked. It should be noted, for example, that the right to disconnect must be strictly respected. In some companies, a collective agreement already exists on this subject, and applies to all employees.

Otherwise, it's up to each employee to negotiate his or her own conditions with the employer. The employer is obliged to provide all the equipment the employee needs to work in the best possible conditions (computer, Cloud software, keyboard, etc.).

At home, it's up to you to organize your workspace in the best possible way, to ensure optimum productivity.

What are the pitfalls to avoid?

On the surface, telecommuting seems to be synonymous with greater freedom, flexibility and adaptability. In reality, there are a number of pitfalls to be aware of and anticipate. First of all, social and professional isolation is a risk when you no longer share your workplace with your colleagues.

The risk of losing one's sense of belonging to a company is possible. Poor time management, with the absence of fixed working hours, is another risk to consider.

Lacking a regular link with management, employees are sometimes tempted to give their best, and sacrifice their rest hours excessively.

It can also be difficult to evaluate your goals and performance when you're away from home for an extended period.

Finally, some telecommuting tools subject employees to a series of abusive controls (visible countdown of connection time, etc.) which are sometimes resented.

What are the best practices for successfully working from home?

You are the key to successful telecommuting. Put yourself in a professional frame of mind, and set a strict organizational framework for your daily routine.

Don't give in to the temptation to neglect your usual discipline: set up a dedicated area, organize your day as if you were at the office, adopt professional attire, take the time to get out of the house regularly and maintain human contact with the outside world.

How can you improve the visibility of your business?

It's not impossible to get the word out about your business, even when you're working remotely. Don't forget to create and update your Google + and Google MyBusiness profile, to make your contact details accessible online, and help your prospects identify you easily. Page Jaunes remains the most popular business directory in France.

Depending on the nature of your business, creating a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account can be an interesting way of generating interaction with your target customers.

What are the advantages of domiciliation for home workers?

Business domiciliation is a particularly useful solution for self-employed people working from home! It allows you to separate the address of your head office from your actual place of business. In this way, you can protect your privacy by not disclosing your personal place of residence.

At the same time, you can choose your official address from a wide range of prestigious addresses in the best arrondissements of Paris and other major French cities!

Domiciliary companies also offer a number of essential services to make life easier for entrepreneurs: daily mail managementtelephone switchboard, meeting room rental, administrative and legal assistance, etc.

Did you know that the CFE (Contribution Foncière des Entreprises) is lower in Paris than the national average?

Choosing your domicile strategically can even enable you to save on taxes. So what are you waiting for?

With SeDomicilier, you can obtain a certificate of domiciliation in less than 5 minutes, in a 100% online process. All your services are then available in a personalized, secure virtual office.

Business domiciliation allows you to focus on the missions with the highest added value: those that drive the growth and success of your project!

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
March 31, 2020
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