It's possible to reduce electricity consumption on your premises.

Tips for reducing electricity consumption on your premises

Business premises can be very energy-intensive: computers, lighting, etc. are used very frequently, which is reflected in your energy bills! If you want to save money and reduce your electricity bills, there are several solutions available: follow the guide!
Tips and tricks
Reading time: 3min
Updated February 7, 2022
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Tips for reducing electricity consumption on your premises

Cheap electricity with an alternative supplier

Did you know that there are many alternative suppliers, other than EDF, who offer cheaper electricity rates?

Over 80% of consumers have a contract with EDF for their electricity supply.

But since 2007, many companies have been authorized to supply you with electricity!

These alternative suppliers offer cheap electricity, sometimes up to 15% cheaper than EDF!

Use an online electricity comparator to find out which of Cdisount Energie, Leclerc, Total Direct Energie or Eni is the most advantageous for your electricity contract. Switching supplier is very quick, and can save you real money on your bills.

Implement eco-gestures on a daily basis to reduce consumption

In addition to a new electricity supplier, implementing daily habits to save electricity can have a significant impact on your bills:

  • Switch off computers rather than leaving them on standby: a computer on standby consumes 30 to 40% of its total power! More generally, turning off electronic devices rather than leaving them on standby when not in use can save you up to 10% on your bill.
  • Switch off lights in rooms that are not being used. You can also install presence detectors: they ensure that lights are switched on and off automatically according to the number of people in different areas of your premises.
  • Do you have electric heating? Turn it down a few degrees: there's no need to overheat your premises. An ambient temperature of around 20 degrees is more than enough for the well-being of your employees. You should also know that lowering your heating by one degree represents a saving of around 5% on your annual bill.
  • The same applies to your air-conditioning system: avoid over-use in summer, and you'll save on your bills. Weather permitting, it's a good idea to open your windows to cool your home when the outside temperature isn't too high (in the morning and early evening).
  • Optimize the use of your lighting: if you're lucky enough to have bright premises, there's no need to use your lights during the day when it's sunny. Wherever possible, use natural light to illuminate your interiors.
  • You can opt for low-energy light bulbs: they consume much less energy to light your spaces!

Finally, don't forget to inform your employees of your desire to reduce electricity consumption. They are the key players in your energy savings, since they are present on your premises every day!

If you want to reduce your consumption for ecological reasons, and to reduce the environmental impact of your business, you should know that green electricity offers are available from various suppliers: they will guarantee you aneco-responsible electricity supply, produced fromrenewable energies (wind, solar, hydro, etc.)! Find out more here.

Written by our expert Editorial staff
May 16, 2019
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