How to obtain a VTC card, all the explanations.

How to obtain your VTC card: our complete guide

VTC drivers are attracting more and more workers, especially younger ones. With a status that's simple to manage, flexible and attractive, we present all the steps you need to take to obtain your VTC card and get started!
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Updated May 5, 2023
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The term VTC has emerged in recent years to designate "Véhicules de Tourisme avec Chauffeur", following the arrival of Uber on the French market. A VTC driver transports people picked up via a mobile application. The vehicle may not exceed 9 seats.

Unlike cabs, VTCs can't maraud and find customers on the roadside. A VTC can develop his or her own customer portfolio, or use a booking platform such as Kapten, Uber or LeCab. Many freelancers opt for this status in order to benefit from flexible working conditions.

However, the terms of the collaboration between VTC drivers and platforms are often the subject of debate. This status is the subject of much attention and parliamentary work to better regulate it, protect its members and make it more attractive.

Discover our complete guide to obtaining your VTC card

Getting your VTC card: our complete guide to everything you need to know

What is a VTC card?

The VTC professional card is a requirement for this profession. It certifies your ability to transport other people, and that you have acquired the necessary knowledge.

To obtain it, you need to undergo compulsory training at an approved training center. A final exam is then required to validate the knowledge acquired. It is governed by the Thévenoud law, and is divided into 7 theoretical modules (risk management, vehicles, customers, etc.) and one practical module.

Once you've passed the test, you'll receive a provisional VTC license.

It is issued by the DREAL in your region

To obtain your definitive business card, you must first set up your own company.

What status do I need to obtain a VTC card?

Once you've acquired your provisional license, you're faced with a new dilemma: setting up your own legal structure to run the business. You have two options:

Whatever your choice, it is absolutely essential to have a VTC card.

However, the tax consequences, the obligations to declare your income and your social security system are not the same.

Before making your choice, consider the impact of each on your personal situation.

Since the Grandguillaume law came into force on January 1, 2018, LOTI capacitaires can no longer obtain the VTC license. Obtaining the exam and then the card from the Prefecture is therefore an obligation for all.

Once your company has been set up, you can obtain your definitive VTC license by applying for official registration.

What other steps do I need to take?

Once you've obtained your final registration, you'll need to formalize it online, on the Ministry of Transport website. To do this, please bring the following documents with you:

  • Professional liability insurance certificate
  • A copy of your company's registration document, whatever its status (SIRENE register for micro-entrepreneurs, Kbis register for other legal entities).
  • A copy of the vehicle registration document
  • A copy of your official business card
  • Proof of financial capacity of at least €1,500 per vehicle is required, unless the vehicle is leased for more than 6 months.

The license is valid for 5 years

As for your vehicle, there are several solutions. Some drivers use their own vehicles, while others prefer to hire them from specialized service providers.

For several years now, a number of offers have been developed to meet the needs of VTC drivers, with contracts including insurance in the event of breakdown, and regular vehicle replacement.

If you choose to work as a self-employed person, corporate domiciliation is the ideal alternative to choosing your own home.

In fact, the address of your head office will have to be mentioned on all your official documents, and will be published in online business directories.

For as little as a few dozen euros a month, it' s possible to domicile your business to protect your privacy and simplify your day-to-day life. SeDomicilier has developed a 100% online service tailored to the needs of VTC drivers.

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
June 3, 2019
Domiciliation + company creation
Kbis fast and 100% online
Creating my company
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