Domiciliation of a company is of paramount importance, and all the more so in the case of a sole proprietorship that wants to establish itself on the market.
A sole proprietorship is a one-person structure which, although recognized by the Commercial Court, has no legal personality.
As a result, there can be no separation between the entrepreneur's assets and those of his company. As a result, the legal steps required to set up and manage such a structure are reduced to a minimum.
As a result, individual entrepreneurs benefit from the micro-entrepreneur scheme, which allows them to develop their business in a more simplified way.
However, the non-individuality of the patrimony between the company and its founder can have a number of downsides. One of the direct consequences for the entrepreneur is unlimited liability to creditors for any debts incurred by the company.
What's more, to limit the risks involved in choosing this status, the entrepreneur can always opt to adopt the EIRL (Entreprise Individuelle à Responsabilité Limitée) status. In this way, his business becomes a company, and any losses are limited to the amount of his initial contributions.
When setting up a sole proprietorship, you need to register your company with the Registrar of the Commercial Court.
First of all, it's possible to domicile your company at your home, provided your lease, planning regulations or condominium bylaws do not prevent you from doing so. The home will be considered the company's headquarters and will receive the company's mail.
A second solution is to domicile thesole proprietorship with a domiciliation company, i.e. to choose a commercial domiciliation. On the one hand, this avoids the administrative formalities involved in changing the registered office, and on the other, it is highly flexible, adapting to the needs of every company, whatever its form.
These domiciliation companies offer a range of services, from mail forwarding and scanning to telephone answering services and meeting room rental.
What's more, the addresses selected and offered by these centers are generally prestigious and strategically located, enabling the company to gain credibility with its suppliers or customers.
Last but not least, this domiciliation is very affordable, since the rates are much lower than those for renting a property.
With SeDomicilier, direct debit is done online in less than 5 minutes, in just three steps:
All you'll need is proof of address and identity. And that's all!
You can register your company in just a few clicks.
Transferring a company's registered office requires a number of administrative steps, some of which can be considerable. The founder must make his or her decision known in writing, then update the company's articles of association.
All the company has to do is make its change of registered office public and declare it to the clerk of the commercial court.
This legal formalism encourages you to choose your domicile carefully from the moment you set up your company.
For more information on transferring your registered office, please consult our Complete Guide!
Domiciliating your company is not something to be taken lightly! Stability and durability are essential.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min