Are you embarking on an adventure that's both family-oriented and entrepreneurial? You've come to the right place!
Family businesses, though fewer in number than in the past, still form a solid foundation for the French economy, with no less than 60% of French companies being family businesses , according to the Institut de l'Entreprise Familiale.
First of all, we need to define what a family business is.
As the Institute for Family Business explains, there is no real definition of what a family business actually is. Nevertheless, it points out that such businesses can be identified by three characteristics:
The European Family Business website then adds that company size is not a factor in determining the family nature of a business. Companies can be SMEs or multinationals, listed or unlisted.
Secondly, it is important to consider the different legal forms that can be used to develop a family business.
First and foremost, to qualify as a family business, a company must have several partners who are members of the same family. In this respect, sole proprietorships are not eligible.
This is a special form of SARL, known as a "SARL de famille".
This structure, obviously based on the classic SARL model, offers the opportunity, if the right conditions are met, for all the company's partners to be subject to partnership taxation.
This opens up the possibility of the company being permanently subject to income tax (impôt sur le revenu - IR) instead of corporation tax (impôt sur les sociétés - IS).
These are primarily the following :
In conclusion, in France today, the family business model is still a real option for developing a long-term project.
Today, there are many large French family businesses, such as Lactalis, Darty and Bonduelle.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min