Entrepreneurs, locating your head office in Paris can be beneficial for your company's development.

Entrepreneurs: why locate your headquarters in Paris?

Why not set up your head office in Paris?
Starting a business
Reading time: 4min
Updated February 11, 2020
Domiciliation + company creation
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Creating my company

Are you launching your business project? Then you'll need to start by selecting a location for your head office.

In this article, we'll explain why it's so important to have a registered office in Paris, but first of all, let's take a look at the definition of a registered office.

A company's registered office is its administrative and tax address.

This is the address to which all mail relating to your business will be sent. The choice of this address has both a practical and symbolic role, as the registered office serves as a showcase for your business.

The address of your registered office must therefore be chosen with care.

Determining your registered office is the first step in setting up a company. You can choose between different types of company domiciliation including :

  • Domiciliating your business at home
  • In a business incubator
  • In commercial premises
  • Or via a domiciliation company

But beyond the choice of domicile, there's the question of where to locate your head office. Why not Paris?

To give you a clearer idea of the many advantages a Paris domiciliation can bring to your business, let's focus today on the different reasons for domiciling your head office in Paris!

Special report: why locate your head office in Paris?

Greater visibility for your company

Paris is home to a multitude of complementary and varied sectors.

Today, this diversity makes Paris a city to be reckoned with, combining high prestige, dynamism and innovation potential, and regularly placing it in the top tier of the best cities for business.

Paris also stands out for its multiculturalism, which in many ways justifies its third-place ranking in terms of international investment.

Locating your business in such a dynamic environment gives you greater visibility.

Paris has an undeniably positive power of attraction when it comes to developing a company's reputation and notoriety.

Tax savings (CFE)

Paris offers a second tax advantage to entrepreneurs domiciling their business in its arrondissements. This concerns the CFE or Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises, which is payable by all entrepreneurial structures, even those who have opted to domicile their business at home.

CFE is largely dependent on the town in which the company is domiciled, with each municipality free to set the CFE rate applicable to its territory.

This is where it pays to have chosen Paris as your domicile, as the city's CFE rate is much lower than the national average!

What are the cheapest alternatives?

While domiciling your business in your own home may seem like the most financially advantageous solution, it has a number of disadvantages, not least the constant encroachment of the professional sphere on your private life, and vice versa.

In Paris, there are inexpensive alternatives to domiciling your business in your own home, for example through a domiciliation company.

All you need to do is take the time to find out what's available to meet your financial needs and help your business grow!

In conclusion, choosing to domicile your head office in Paris is a real money-saver, as well as a means of increasing your company's visibility!

Written by our expert Quentin Moyon
December 5, 2018
Domiciliation + company creation
Kbis fast and 100% online
Creating my company
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