Business domiciliation is a service provided to entrepreneurs by domiciliation companies. In practical terms, these companies provide their customers with a head office address, as well as essential services to lighten their daily routine.
French law allows companies to separate the address of their registered office from their actual place of business. For companies with a customer base in the French overseas territories, and particularly on Reunion Island, it's a good idea to locate your head office directly there to attract more customers.
This improves your local search engine ranking . You'll be closer to your local clientele, appearing more easily in Google search results, or in public directories. Much more than just a mailbox, domiciliation companies also offer a wide range of services designed to lighten the daily burden of business owners- and save you money!
Last but not least, Réunion Island is a land of opportunities too often overlooked.
With 6,200 business start-ups in 2017, Réunion Island is enjoying an undiminished entrepreneurial craze .
The main reason for this growth is the creation of microenterprisesThe number of new micro-businesses in the region is on the rise: +5% in 2017 compared with 2016. A record 1,100 applications for the creation of microenterprises were filed in the same year!
Réunion Island is not only an ideal location for business start-ups, but also for their long-term survival and development. The figures bear this out: 53% of companies created in 2010 were still in business, compared with 42% of those created in 2006.
This entrepreneurial dynamism is a lever for job creation: over 1,000 jobs have been created every year since 2010.
Aware of the region's potential, local authorities have decided to focus on measures to encourage business start-ups and growth.
Firstly, micro-entrepreneurs benefit from a particularly advantageous tax framework: they are tax-exempt for the first two years of business.
From the third year onwards, they benefit from favorable contribution rates (8.9% for the sale of goods and 15.3% for the provision of services, compared with 13.4% and 23.1% in mainland France).
These substantial advantages are also available to companies domiciled on Reunion Island but which have no commercial operations there.
Local authorities are committed to supporting business start-ups through support programs for entrepreneurs.
First of all, you can benefit from financial assistance. For example, Pôle Emploi can transform your ARE (Allocations de Retour à l'Emploi) into start-up capital to launch your own professional project!
The Projet Initiative Jeune helps 18-30 year-olds wishing to set up or take over an entrepreneurial project. They receive up to €7,320 to set up their business!
Other initiatives, such as the " Prime Emploi Export " scheme, help to boost the island's attractiveness and economic dynamism. It's hardly surprising, then, that Réunion Island is such a fertile breeding ground for new businesses!
Using a domiciliation company allows you to separate the address of your head office from the actual place where your business operates.
The choice of address for your registered office is a fundamental one, since it must be mentioned on all your official administrative and commercial documents.
It also determines the nationality of the company, its tax regime, and the competent authorities in the event of a dispute. With a domiciliation company, you'll benefit from a prestigious address in the best neighborhoods on the island.
It helps convey a prestigious and credible image of your project to all your partners.
The services offered by domiciliation companies don't stop there! They also provide a wide range of services, which can lighten the day-to-day burden of all your teams. For example, how would you like to benefit from :
Domiciling your business on Reunion Island makes it easier to reach your local clientele via SEO, improving your position in search engine results. This applies whether or not you're doing business locally.
On the other hand, it allows you to rethink a large part of your organization so you can focus on what's essential: growing your business!
Reunion Island is a truly attractive destination for entrepreneurs. The many public support schemes for business start-ups provide favorable conditions for the emergence of entrepreneurial projects, and the labor market is very dynamic.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min