All you need to know about business domiciliation in Colombes.

What are the advantages of business domiciliation in Colombes?

Is Colombes the ideal place to do business?
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Colombes is a peaceful and attractive town in the Hauts-de-Seine region. Many entrepreneurs choose to set up in Colombes because of the many entrepreneurial initiatives that have been developed here.


The advantages of corporate domiciliation in Colombes.

Hauts-de-Seine is one of the most popular départements for entrepreneurs

Hauts-de-Seine is like a postcard: the name alone conveys the idea of a prestigious address, a source of credibility and trust for all your company's stakeholders.

Hauts-de-Seine is a dynamic département, with a privileged interface with western Paris.

The département has more than 127 jobs for every 100 working residents, and accounts for 26% of all office space in the Paris region. Above all, 37% of the department's working-age residents are executives, and it is home to 13% of the metropolitan area's companies.

Hauts-de-Seine has another unique advantage: the department is structured around two business districts whose appeal extends beyond the country's borders, and concentrates 33% of the region's R&D spending.

The most emblematic is the Quartier de La Défense, known the world over as the economic heart of the Paris region. It brings together all types of companies, from large corporations to small SMEs, so that everyone benefits from collective emulation.

More than 8 million people visit La Défense every year, and 25,000 of them live there!

The Val-de-Seine business district is located in the commune of Issy-les-Moulineaux, and is made up mainly of executives, with an average age of 34. Particularly dynamic, it is home to the headquarters of many major French and international groups, as well as smaller companies.

However, these areas have sometimes seen real estate prices rise very rapidly, at the risk of becoming very expensive for small businesses. Fortunately, other more competitive alternatives exist in this region.

Colombes is one of the most popular towns for entrepreneurs

Located at the gateway to the famous La Défense district and at the gateway to Paris, Colombes is a fast-growing economic hub

A number of support and information programs are available to entrepreneurs. The city has designated the Economic Affairs Department as the preferred contact for entrepreneurs, to answer all their questions on a daily basis.

With some 1,000 businesses operating in Colombes, the city has created a comprehensive guide to help new entrepreneurs.

Club Colombes Expansion is a meeting place open to all VSEs and SMEs with over 20 employees, as well as ETIs and major groups. It establishes a regular dialogue to encourage synergies between the various players in the economic arena.

Club members include Arkema, Oracle, ALE International, Snecma, Hispano-suiza, Leclerc, Shell, Courtyard by Marriott, Kyriad, Jaguar Land Rover, Teksial, Arelis, Aveo Services, Butard Enescot, SNEF....

The Bus de la Création d'Entreprise (Business Creation Bus) regularly comes to Colombes for one week each year. It offers personalized appointments to all entrepreneurs to answer their questions and guide them through the process.

Last but not least, job datings facilitate the matching of job supply and demand at local level.

What are the advantages of company domiciliation?

Choosing the address for a company's registered office is the first step to take when setting up a business. Also known as domiciliation addressIt determines the company's nationality, country of taxation and jurisdiction in the event of a dispute. The address of your registered office is particularly important, as it must appear on all official company documents. 

French law allows entrepreneurs to use the services of domiciliation companies to dissociate their registered office address from their actual place of work.

So you can enjoy all the benefits of working from home without ever publicly disclosing your personal home address to customers, suppliers and other contacts. This is the preferred method for all entrepreneurs wishing to protect their privacy, and that of their family.

It's the ideal alternative to renting commercial premises, or choosing your own home to domicile your business.

Domiciliary companies also offer a wide range of services designed to outsource time-consuming, low value-added tasks, such as daily mail management, switchboard services, legal and administrative assistance, meeting room rental, etc.

These services can be chosen à la carte, depending on the company's needs and budget. Thanks to SeDomicilier, you can obtain a certificate of domiciliation online in less than 5 minutes!

All your services are then available in a personalized, secure virtual office. Business domiciliation allows you to really focus on high value-added missions: those that really make your project a success!

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
May 31, 2021
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