Who hasn't heard of Youtube? Unheard of 20 years ago, this free video-sharing platform has now become one of the world's favorite websites. It owes its success to the diversity of the videos it hosts, and today covers almost every subject, in every language.
There are several essential steps to creating a Youtuber status: choosing the legal status, domiciling the structure's head office, creating content and monetizing it.
Particularly popular with the younger generation, Youtube has even proved to be a factory of "stars", who earn their living from their videos! Original, innovative content is the key to success. Would you like to try your hand at becoming a youtuber?
Let's discover the keys to success for your Youtube channel!

The vast majority of Youtubers choose the microentrepreneur status. This legal form is particularly suitable for novices, for the following reasons:
- The procedures for setting up, managing and winding up a microenterprise are relatively straightforward. All you need to do to start your business is fill in an online form!
- The micro-enterprise scheme allows you to benefit fromACRE, a public scheme temporarily reducing your social security contributions. For the first 12 months of your business, benefit from a 50% reduction in your first year of activity!
- Micro-entrepreneur status can be combined with salaried employment. This means that you can legally combine the two forms of remuneration.
Please note that annual sales as a micro-entrepreneur are capped at €70,000. Above this limit, you need to set up a company:
- If you're the only one managing your YouTube channel, is the best choice. EURL (Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée) or a SASU (Société par actions simplifiées unipersonnelle).
- If your YouTube channel is fed by several individuals, it's best to operate through an SAS (Société par Action Simplifiée) or a SARL (limited liability company).
Looking to make a fortune on Youtube? Exploring these leads will be a good start:
Allow ads in your videos. To do so, become a Youtube partner by activating monetization on your account!
- You can sell products on your Youtube channel by teaming up with a brand!
- Make your videos accessible to the media! Replays of your videos will earn you money!
- Become an influencer for a brand: you'll promote articles in exchange for financial compensation! This extremely buoyant market is growing daily!
The quality of the content you create for your Youtube channel must be a top priority . Here are a few tips to apply:
- Make sure you have high-quality equipment, with professional microphones and high-resolution cameras. Efficient video editing software is a must. Why not take an editing course?
- Choose the theme of your videos carefully. Choose specialized videos on a particular subject rather than more general ones. Choosing a topic you're passionate about will make your work easier!
To ensure a steady flow of visitors, your Youtube channel must be properly populated:
- Adopt a regular publication rhythm, according to a precise schedule.
- Uploading your videos is easy. Go to your Youtube space to import your videos!
Your Youtube channel is up and running, and you want to improve it? The platform offers free tools for optimizing your video stream.
With Youtube Analytics, you can measure the viewing time and number of views for each of your videos. For example, you can find out when viewers stop watching your content!
Are you a micro-entrepreneur? Your sales must be declared twice:
- It must be declared online on the URSSAF website, for social security deductions.
- It must be indicated on your income tax form.
Have you set up a company for your Youtube channel? Declaration procedures vary according to the legal status you choose.
When you set up your company, you'll need to specify a registered office address. Many Youtubers choose, at this time, company domiciliation.
Take advantage of a wide range of addresses in prestigious areas of Paris and other major French cities! You'll reinforce the credibility of your business with your customers.
This domiciliation offer is accompanied bya full range of services designed to lighten your day-to-day workload: meeting rooms available to receive your customers, digital mail management, legal and administrative assistance, etc.
This way, you can relieve your daily routine of time-consuming tasks and concentrate on your core business: growing your business and advising your customers!
With SeDomicilier, you can obtain a certificate of domiciliation in less than 5 minutes, 100% online!
Save time and improve performance by managing all your services via a secure, personalized virtual office! All in all, it's a service that directly supports your success.
Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
January 17, 2020