an entrepreneur thinking about his business move

How to move a company

Moving a company is a complex process that requires careful planning. SeDomicilier supports you in your change of address project with a checklist of procedures to be carried out.
Transfer of registered office
Reading time: 12min
Domiciliation + company transfer
Kbis fast and 100% online
Transfer my head office

Define the company's objectives and needs

Before relocating, it's essential to clearly define your company's objectives and needs. This starts with a careful assessment of your space requirements. Think about the surface area required, accessibility for your employees and customers, the layout of the space, and the ideal geographical location. The sale or rent price and associated charges are also crucial elements to consider. Don't forget to take into account your employees' working conditions, to ensure an environment conducive to productivity and well-being.

Set a moving date and draw up specifications

Setting a moving date is a crucial step in efficient planning. It's advisable to plan at least six months in advance, so that all the necessary steps can be taken. Drawing up detailed specifications is essential to determine the key stages and tasks to be completed before D-day. This will give you greater control over the sequence of operations and avoid any unfortunate oversights. Good planning will help you manage your company's move in a calm and orderly fashion.

Thinking about the best time to move your company

Moving a company is a complex operation that requires time and energy. It is therefore essential to choose the best period to avoid problems of delay or set-up. Take into account events taking place in the city on the planned moving date, to avoid traffic or safety problems. A quiet period, without too many activities or external constraints, will greatly facilitate the process and minimize disruption to your business.

Choosing a new location: Finding a moving professional

Calling on a professional moving company can greatly facilitate the organization of your business move. These companies offer invaluable advice on how to move with complete peace of mind. Their detailed checklists ensure that nothing is forgotten, that tasks are prioritized and that you know in what order to proceed, step by step. Thanks to their experience and equipment, including moving trucks, they can transfer large volumes in a single trip, optimizing time and travel. Calling in the professionals ensures a quick and efficient transition to your new premises.

How to declare the move of your company (SAS, SARL, SA)?

Whether you're the manager of a SAS, SARL or SA, from an administrative point of view, it's essential to carry out your head office transfer formalities correctly. It is also crucial to respect the legal notice period when terminating commercial leases, to avoid legal complications. This is an official procedure that must follow a precise guideline.

General Meeting

The decision to transfer a company's registered office may require the convening of an Extraordinary or Ordinary General Meeting. These procedures apply to the following types of company:

  • Limited liability company (SARL) ;
  • Société par actions simplifiée (SAS) ;
  • Public limited company (SA).

In this case, the decision is taken by majority vote, as stipulated in the company's Articles of Association. It is the shareholders who authorize the transfer of the registered office, and decide to amend the article in the bylaws relating to its address. However, the decision-making process may vary according to the legal form of the company:

Limited liability company SARL
The managing director takes the decision to transfer the company, and has it ratified by the ordinary general meeting of shareholders. The Articles of Association may remove this decision-making power from the manager. The minutes may be replaced by a management decision.

Simplified joint-stock company SAS
The articles of association specify who is competent to take the decision to transfer the registered office: the chairman, the general meeting of shareholders or the majority shareholder. The bylaws may exclude ratification of the company move by the AGM.

Société anonyme SA
The Board of Directors or Supervisory Board may decide to transfer the registered office. The articles of association may exclude ratification of the company move by the AGM.

It is also crucial that employees provide a written response to any changes to their employment contract, to avoid future disputes.

Publication of the transfer of the registered office

When you move your company, you need to publish a transfer notice. The decision must be published in a legal gazette in the following manner:

  • If the company is moving within the same département, it must select a JAL attached to it.
  • If the company is moving to another département, it must publish an advert in a JAL of the département of origin and a second identical advert in a JAL of the département of destination.

A change of commercial court therefore requires publication in two legal gazettes. The notice must include the following information:

  • Company name;
  • Legal form ;
  • Head office address;
  • Siren number associated with the name of the town where the registry is located ;
  • The words "transfer of registered office" ;
  • The identity and address of the persons in charge;
  • Indication of the RCS where the company will be registered following the change of address (if applicable).

One-stop shop formalities

Once the company move has been officially recorded and published in a JAL, the next step is to file a dematerialized application on the Guichet unique website, managed by INPI. The head office transfer file includes :

  • Minutes certified as true by the company director (if applicable) ;
  • Updated company bylaws ;
  • Proof of occupancy of the new premises (energy bill, Internet bill, commercial lease, etc.);
  • Proof of publication in a legal gazette.

It's crucial to check the Internet connection in the new premises to avoid service interruptions.

You will need to pay the registry fees for the amended registration. The Guichet unique transfers the application to the clerk's office of the commercial court. The clerk's office then proceeds with the amending entry in the Trade and Companies Register. The Kbis extract is automatically modified.

How do I transfer the registered office of a SASU and an EURL?

Moving a company with SASU or EURL status requires the same formalities. As a reminder, SASU and EURL are one-person companies, comprising just one shareholder. The decision to change the company's registered office address is taken by the shareholder, in the form of minutes containing the information mentioned above.

The move is recorded in the articles of association of the SASU or EURL. A notice must then be published in a legal gazette. The administrative formalities involve declaring the change to the Guichet unique des entreprises, by completing the M2 form. The head of the company attaches the necessary documents: proof of domicile, minutes, etc.

Once you've changed your address, don't forget to notify your partners and customers by e-mail or registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Your employees must be notified of the change in advance, as must the tax authorities. As far as employees are concerned, if there is a mobility clause in their contract, they may be obliged to follow the company without their agreement. In the absence of such a clause, the employee's agreement is imperative for any modification to his or her employment contract.

How do I change the registered office of a micro-business?

Procedures for changing the registered office of a micro-entrepreneur

The procedure for changing the registered office of a micro-business is simplified. The operation of a sole proprietorship does not require the drafting of a procès-verbal or amendment of the articles of association. No publication in an official journal is required.

You can change the address of the registered office of a micro-business on the official URSSAF website dedicated to auto-entrepreneurs:

  • Go to the "Modification or cessation of micro-entrepreneur activity" menu;
  • Click on "Modify your situation or activity" ;
  • Depending on the situation, select either "Change of personal address" or "Change of place of practice" ;
  • Enter the new registered office address.

A letter sent by Insee specifies the new Siret number of the auto-entreprise.

Why change the registered office of a micro-business?

It's an excellent idea to change your company's registered office to take advantage of the services of a domiciliation company. It's an alternative that preserves your privacy. Indeed, many self-employed entrepreneurs choose to domicile their head office at home, at the risk of making their personal address public.

With a domiciliation company, you can improve your day-to-day working conditions by benefiting from support tailored to your operational needs. Take advantage of legal advice to develop your business and other services:

  • Mail management: reception, scanning, forwarding;
  • Switchboard ;
  • Coworking space rental ;
  • Office and meeting room rentals.

Working from time to time in a coworking space is a godsend for self-employed entrepreneurs. It's an opportunity for them to develop synergies with other entrepreneurs and work on joint projects.

With a domiciliation company, you have a prestigious address for your business. Your customers and service providers pay close attention to the location of your business. It's as much a part of your brand image as your website and logo. Last but not least, domiciliation, thanks to a P.O. box service, enables you to reduce the amount of your business property tax (CFE).

The process of changing your company's address can be supervised by your domiciliation company. SeDomicilier's teams are ready to help you meet your needs and avoid administrative problems.

Written by our expert Editorial staff
November 5, 2024
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Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to change the registered office of a micro-business?
For auto-entrepreneurs, the formalities for changing their registered office are completely free. They should be carried out via the URSSAF website dedicated to auto-entrepreneurs.
How much does a change of address cost for a company?
Transferring the registered office costs a minimum of 250 euros for single-shareholder companies (SASU, EURL). For SARL, SAS or SA companies, the cost is estimated at 350 to 450 euros, including registry fees and publication in a legal gazette. If you are assisted by a chartered accountant or lawyer, the cost is generally in excess of 1,000 euros. A domiciliation company can include change-of-address fees in its contract.
Who should I notify if I change my company address?
When changing your company's address, it's essential to notify your employees by letter or e-mail. A registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt can be sent to each of your service providers and customers to notify them of your organization's change of address. The tax authorities should also be informed.
What is a domiciliation company?
A domiciliation company offers postal addresses to companies and micro-businesses. This is your opportunity to benefit from a prestigious address to develop your brand image. Tailor-made contracts offer management flexibility for your structure.