SeDomicilier takes you step-by-step through the process of setting up an auto-entreprise.
The first step is to register your business with the Guichet unique, hosted by INPI. The future auto-entrepreneur details information such as :
The second step is to create your personal space on the URSSAF website dedicated to auto-entrepreneurs. Depending on your situation, you may be able to apply for assistance: Acre. The "Aide à la création ou à la reprise d'entreprise" entitles micro-entrepreneurs to an exemption from social security contributions for 12 months.
It may take several days to process your declaration. It takes about 15 days to receive your Siret and 4 to 10 weeks to receive your affiliation notification.
As soon as you receive your Siret, you can start invoicing your customers. You benefit from full access to the URSSAF website and application interfaces dedicated to auto-entrepreneurs, including :
The steps involved in setting up an auto-entreprise are simplified. As a micro-entrepreneur, you don't need to :
There's no need to use the services of a chartered accountant or notary to set up your micro-business. All the formalities are centralized on the Guichet unique website.
Micro-enterprises are characterized by the simplified status of sole proprietorships (EI). The micro-tax system offers simplified, reduced-to-essentials accounting. We recommend that you keep a journal of income and expenditure in line with current accounting standards.
Micro-entrepreneurs benefit from simplified calculation, declaration and payment of their social security contributions. They pay their social security contributions at intervals determined by them when declaring their activity, and which they can change before December 31 of the current year for application the following year. The period can be either monthly or quarterly.
Social security contributions are calculated on the basis of a percentage of your sales:
Micro-entrepreneurs benefit from a basic VAT exemption. VAT corresponds to value-added tax. It is an indirect tax on consumption. It is payable by consumers and collected by micro-entrepreneurs. It is included in the selling price. We remind you of the following terms:
VAT rates vary according to products and services, in accordance with the provisions set out in the General Tax Code:
To define the basic VAT exemption, the nature of the activity carried out by the auto-entrepreneur must be taken into account:
If you are exempt from VAT invoicing, you must indicate on your invoices: "TVA non applicable, article 293 B du Code général des impôts".
Please note that from January 1ᵉʳ 2025, the thresholds for basic VAT exemption will change:
As long as your annual sales (excluding VAT) don't exceed €10,000, you don't have to take out a banking package for professionals. This is a major source of savings, especially when you're just starting out. A banking package for professionals is much more expensive than one for individuals.
All you need to do is open a bank account dedicated to your professional activity, and carry out the minimum bookkeeping. It's important to keep your personal transactions separate from those related to your auto-entrepreneur activity.
Domiciliation is the identification of the micro-entrepreneur's registered office. This address defines the administrative dependence of the auto-entrepreneur in terms of tax services, health insurance and legal administration. It is mentioned on your invoices, quotations, delivery or order forms, etc. When you set up your auto-entrepreneur business, you need to specify the address you want for your registered office.
An auto-entrepreneur has several options for domiciling his or her business. You can domicile your micro-business in your own home. This is a real money-saver, but there are a few disadvantages. Your personal address is made public to your customers and service providers.
An alternative solution exists with domiciliation companies. For example, SeDomicilier offers postal addresses throughout France, particularly in prestigious areas such as Paris, Lyon, Aix-en-Provence and Cannes. Services to improve your daily life are available à la carte:
SeDomicilier also offers coworking spaces, ideal for fostering the development of entrepreneurship through synergies between talents.
The formalities involved in setting up a micro-enterprise are simplified. In just a few days, the auto-entrepreneur receives his Siret number and affiliation certificate. They can then start invoicing their customers. Micro-entrepreneur status is ideal for people wishing to pursue a second professional activity, or to test the viability of a business before setting up a company.