If you're one of those entrepreneurs who's always too busy and sometimes even frequently on the move, you know how difficult it can be to manage your mail when you're away or simply overwhelmed. When you're away from the office for days at a time, it's impossible to access important or even urgent mail, or to receive a registered letter that needs to be signed for. And when you can't get away outside normal working hours, you can't take advantage of La Poste's opening hours to collect a parcel. So what can you do? Postal power of attorney is a service that can help you overcome such problems.
Definition of postal power of attorney: Giving power of attorney is the act of granting a third party the right to act on one's behalf for a specific purpose. A postal power of attorney therefore enables one person, in this case an entrepreneur, to authorize another, usually an employee, to receive mail on his behalf. This power of attorney enables the company's legal representative to delegate all tasks relating to La Poste's services, such as receiving registered mail on signature or collecting parcels, to a trusted third party or a domiciliation company.
Simply download the Corporate Power of Attorney application from the La Poste website and complete the form without signing it. Once the application has been fully completed, the company's legal representative must go to a post office to deposit and sign it in the presence of a postal worker. In the case of a company domiciled with a commercial domiciliation company, all that's required is to send the completed postal power of attorney to the domiciliation agent, who can then transfer it directly to La Poste.
The form can be filled in very quickly. All you need to do is provide some basic information about the company, identify the postal agents designated by the legal representative and define the actions they are authorized to take. Among these authorizations, three are proposed: to collect and receive mail from La Poste; to collect money orders of all categories; to purchase on behalf of the principal (Postage, Ready-to-post, Ready-to-ship).
Once the application has been submitted, it becomes part of your company file and the designated persons are authorized to exercise their rights (valid identification is required for delivery against signature).
A domiciliation company is a company responsible for housing the head offices of other companies. You may decide to use such a company to benefit from a prestigious address, an accessible and well-equipped business center, a switchboard or even its mail management services. In fact, since a domiciliation company hosts other companies' head offices at its address, it receives its customers' mail directly and can offer a range of services to give them access to it.
For example, SeDomicilier.fr offers the following services:
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min