- ACRE: an invaluable aid when setting up a business, Aide aux Créateurs et Repreneurs d'Entreprise or ACRE provides exemption from certain social charges for 1 year.
- As of January 1, 2019, all business start-ups and takeovers are now eligible for ACRE.
- You no longer need to apply for ACRE.
Business start-up assistance: who can benefit from ACRE?
Article updated on 29/05/2019
Have you started your own business? Congratulations! Creating or taking over a business is a great project! However, like many project owners, you don't necessarily have the financial resources to develop your project from the outset. To help you get started, let's take a look at some of the assistance available to you.
Often overlooked by entrepreneurs, but widely recognized by business start-up advisors, ACRE is the subsidy of choice for project owners.
But what does this acronym mean? How can you benefit from this aid? Is it for everyone? Here are some answers to help you get a clearer picture of the situation!
Definition: what is ACRE?
Definition ACRE : An invaluable aid when setting up a business, theAide aux Créateurs et Repreneurs d'Entreprise or ACRE is characterized by an exemption from certain social charges for 1 year. However, there will still be a part of the salary not subject to exemption.
Since 2017, ACRE has been reserved for beneficiaries whose earned income is below the annual Social Security ceiling or "PASS" (i.e. €40,524 in 2019).
You will benefit from a total exemption when your income or remuneration is less than 3/4 of the PASS, i.e. €30,393. Aid will be degressive when your income exceeds 3/4 of the PASS and is less than 1 PASS, i.e. between €30,393 and €40,524.
Finally, this assistance will be granted for a period of 12 months. If you have micro-business status, the exemption can be for 3 years.
Who is eligible for ACRE?
As of January 1, 2019, all business start-ups and takeovers can now benefit from ACRE!
The only condition for the beneficiary is that he/she must exercise effective control of the company by holding more than 50% of the capital, or be the company's director and hold at least 1/3 of the capital, provided that another partner does not directly or indirectly hold more than half of the capital.
How can I benefit from ACRE?
You no longer need to apply for ACRE!
Since the recent changes to the scheme, the exemption from social security contributions applies automatically as soon as you set up or take over a sole proprietorship or company (excluding associations, EIGs and employer groups), regardless of the sector of activity.
ACRE can be applied several times, subject to a waiting period of 3 years from the end of the benefits granted by the scheme.
As an ACRE beneficiary, you can also benefit from assistance in setting up, structuring and starting up your business under the Nacre program.