The NACRE scheme helps you to develop your projects.

How to benefit from the NACRE scheme

The NACRE scheme
Creation aids
Reading time: 6min
Updated October 5, 2019
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Setting up your own business - or taking over an existing one - is an exciting adventure, but not always an easy one. In fact, setting up or taking over a business is a project that requires certain steps to be completed successfully. Financial resources are also a prerequisite for this type of project, without which it will not see the light of day. In fact, it's essential to obtain the support you need to succeed. This is what the NACRE scheme offers.

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definition nacre entreprise

Definition: what exactly is the NACRE scheme?


NACRE definition: Literally, NACRE stands for Nouvel Accompagnement pour la Création ou la Reprise d'Entreprise. The NACRE scheme provides technical support to people setting up or taking over a business. It's a public program that can be said to operate on three levels: help with setting up, help with financing and support. The NACRE scheme is valid for at least three years.

Assembly assistance :

This stage is based on the creation of asolid business case. This is what will lead to contact with potential investors. It must therefore be relevant, explicit and clear, so that investors know right away what it's all about. A poorly defined project has little chance of obtaining any kind of financial assistance. That's why the NACRE scheme is there to help you put together an impeccable dossier. In this respect, the scheme offers technical assistance from the preparation of the application to the development of the project (creation or takeover of the business).

Financing assistance :

At this stage, the financial aspect of the NACRE scheme comes into play, helping not only to structure the project financially, but also to help the future entrepreneur or business owner check whether his or her project makes economic sense. The scheme also provides support in drawing up a financing plan. The scheme also offers support in applying for loans from banking organizations. Finally, the NACRE scheme helps entrepreneurs obtain a zero-interest loan, which must be supplemented by a loan from the entrepreneur's bank.

Support :

During this phase, which lasts a minimum of three years, the program supports and encourages the company. This support can include the provision of technical aids to help the entrepreneur find answers to the various questions he or she may have about business development. The scheme also offers tools to help anticipate potential financial problems.

Who can benefit from the NACRE scheme?

People eligible for the scheme are :

  • Jobseekers receiving either ARE (Aide au Retour à l'Emploi) or ASP (Allocation de Sécurisation Professionnelle).
  • People aged between 18 and 25 (or up to 29 if not receiving unemployment benefit).
  • Disabled people under the age of 30.
  • People receiving social benefits such as RSA or ASS.
  • People who have been unemployed for more than six months and who are not receiving unemployment benefit.
  • People aged 50 and over registered as jobseekers.
  • People starting a business in a ZUS (Sensitive Urban Zone).
  • People benefiting from CLCA (Complément Libre Choix d'Activité).
  • Employees who take over the company in which they work, because it is in receivership or compulsory liquidation. They can also take over a company of which they were not an employee.


Please note that a person is only eligible for the NACRE scheme if he/she has effective control of the company.

The organization to which the NACRE application is submitted then decides whether or not the applicant is eligible. To give yourself the best chance of success, it's essential to have a very precise idea of your future project, whether it involves setting up or taking over a business.

How can you benefit from the NACRE scheme?

To obtain this new support, you need to contact a state-approved support organization.

Please note: there is no need to apply to Pôle Emploi, as the NACRE scheme is not managed by them.

Agreed bodies include the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (in the region in which you plan to set up or take over your business), a chartered accountant, and so on. This being said, the organization to turn to may vary from region to region, so it is advisable to contact the Direccte in the region concerned beforehand, which will provide an exhaustive list.

There are a number of reasons why the NACRE organization may refuse your application.

  • If the applicant has no particular difficulty in finding a job.
  • If the dossier submitted is not economically viable, or if it is deemed too lightweight.
  • If the applicant does not have sufficient financial resources to support the project.
Written by our expert Simon Segura
June 7, 2017
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