Paris is a very attractive city. Aside from its historical aspect, the French capital is a place that hosts large-scale events on a daily basis. Thanks to its rich architectural heritage and cultural diversity, Paris is the ideal place to set up a business.
Paris rents, however, are very high. As a result, setting up offices in this region can be costly. Commercial domiciliation is the perfect way to take advantage of Paris' renown without breaking the bank. You'll find a variety of prestigious addresses to set up your company's headquarters. Paris is home to a large number of domiciliation companies offering a wide range of services.
SeDomicilier is your trusted partner to help you find the right address for your company's headquarters within 48 hours. We save you the hassle of time-consuming procedures and hidden costs. Everything happens online. As a result, our domiciliation rates are very affordable. Our team of experts is ready to listen to you and offer you a quality service. Don't hesitate to contact us for a quote or more information.
Corporate domiciliation in Paris is a great way to develop your brand's image, especially if you're an entrepreneur. You'll benefit from increased visibility. The domiciliation address you choose will appear on all your commercial and administrative documents.
It will be known by all your customers and prospects. Whether you're a sole trader or a SELARL, domiciling your business in Paris will enhance your credibility and legitimacy. Domiciling your company close to the Champs-Élysées, for example, is a major advantage when it comes to standing up to the competition. Above all, you'll have an administrative and tax address that's different from your home address.
Paris is a true business center. Choosing to domicile your company in this region will help you develop your business, as you will have a network of responsive and diversified professionals at your fingertips. Just remember to choose a location that meets your expectations.
The target audience (customers and prospects), amenities and surrounding environment can vary from one arrondissement to another. The 8th arrondissement of Paris, for example, would be ideal for a luxury-oriented business. Here again, you need to choose your coworking space and business premises carefully.
Corporate domiciliation in Paris offers better management of your company's administrative tasks. In addition to offering you a prestigious legal and business address, this approach enables you to put your business in order. We offer domiciliation services for SCIs (property management companies) and SARLs (limited liability companies).
The idea is to meet the needs of business leaders by providing them with a wide range of services. The domiciliation company can offer you a rental contract for a business address or mailbox (with or without mail forwarding). It also provides secretarial services, a professional switchboard and the option of call forwarding.
Some service providers, such as SeDomicilier, also take care of backing up and scanning your mail. They can also provide you with business premises and office space if required (for meetings or appointments, for example). It all depends on your business domicile requirements.
By law, these professionals are also obliged to offer you premises for storing your administrative documents, regardless of the package you sign up for. In Paris, therange of business domiciliation services is extensive. So you're more likely to find tailor-made services at attractive prices.
Domiciliation and choice of legal status are among the formalities to be completed when setting up or taking over a business. Entrepreneurs opting for an SAS (simplified joint-stock company), for example, face high social charges. By choosing to domicile their company in Paris, they can save money. In this city, the cotisation foncière des entreprises (CFE) is lower.
This tax applies to any person or company engaged in a non-salaried professional activity. Even entrepreneurs offering their services from home must pay CFE. The amount of this contribution generally varies according to the city in which the company's head office is domiciled.
In France, the CFE rate applied in Paris is lower than in other cities. It will remain at 16.52% in 2023. This is almost half the national average for communes and intercommunalités, which was 27.34% for 2022. The city has many levers at its disposal in terms of direct local taxation. It therefore uses them to improve its economic attractiveness. For example, it can modify the minimum tax base. It can also abolish or maintain optional exemptions normally provided for in the General Tax Code.
Domiciliating your company's head office in the capital will enable you to benefit from an attractive tax reduction. You don't necessarily need to work in Paris to benefit from this advantage. Simply set up your head office with a domiciliation company.
In Paris, it's not always easy to choose a business address. Here are a few ideas to help you out.
Before choosing an address for your company's headquarters, it's important to define your requirements in advance. This will enable you to turn to offers that are right for you.
You need to be aware of the domiciliation options available in Paris before making your choice. It's possible to set up your head office near major stations such as the Gare Saint-Lazare. Depending on your needs, you can also opt for a more prestigious address (Champs-Élysées, 8th and 10th arrondissements...).
Using a domiciliation company is undoubtedly the ideal solution for finding the right administrative address for your company. However, it's a good idea to check the opinions of Internet users on the quality of the services provided.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min