Detailed resources to get you started on your entrepreneurial project

Suggestions: ACRE, Kbis, domiciliation, micro-business, meeting room


Welcome to our SeDomicilier Blog!

We've put together a collection of excellent articles to help you make the legal sector understandable to everyone.

Whether you'd like to know more about corporate domiciliation before choosing your head office address, or simply find out more about your business project, diving into the resources below will help you increase your knowledge and see things more clearly.

The most popular
Transfer of registered office

Managing your business

Reading time: 13 min

How do I transfer a company's registered office?
There are many complementary services available to help you register your company.

Direct debit

Reading time: 18 min

What is domiciliation?
Setting up an SAS involves a number of stages.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 19 min

How do you set up an SAS?
Creating an SASU: discover the essential steps.

Setting up a company

Temps de lecture: 24 min

SASU creation: incorporation formalities
Setting up a company starts with choosing the address for its registered office.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 26 min

How to set up a company? Instructions for use
All our articles
Here's everything you need to know about administrative domiciliation.

Direct debit

Reading time: 5 min

What is domiciliation: Definition
Les créations d’EURL sont en forte augmentation : découvrez toutes les formalités à connaitre pour vous lancer dans l’aventure.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 6 min

Création EURL : les formalités de constitution
An update on the taxation of profits for a SARL.

Managing your business

Reading time: 7 min

Taxation of SARL profits
Like all other types of company, the EURL has a number of charges.

Managing your business

Reading time: 4 min

EURL expenses
Transfert de siège social : opter pour la domiciliation commerciale pour son association est une solution pérenne et au rapport qualité/prix imbattable.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

How do you transfer your association's registered office?
European financing for businesses, everything you need to know

Setting up a company

Reading time: 5 min

Company: European funding available to you
SASU or EIRL: for every entrepreneur, the question of the legal status of their business is central.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 4 min

SASU or EIRL: which legal form to choose?
Choosing the right domiciliation address is a strategic issue for the development of your EURL!

Direct debit

Reading time: 4 min

The advantages of domiciliation for an EURL
As a self-employed entrepreneur, here are a few tips to help you save on taxes.

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

Self-employed entrepreneurs: 5 tips for paying less tax
The virtual office has many advantages.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

The virtual office: definition & benefits
Everything you need to know about liaison offices and VAT exemption.

Managing your business

Reading time: 6 min

Liaison office: how to obtain VAT exemption?
To create your own start-up during your studies, you first need to ask yourself a few questions.

Direct debit

Reading time: 0 min

Students: creating a start-up while studying
When you set up an EURL, it's important to know everything there is to know about taxing profits.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Taxation of EURL profits
Liaison office and branch office: everything you need to know about these two structures.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 7 min

Liaison office - branch: we explain everything
Unemployed and self-employed, our complete guide.

Direct debit

Reading time: 5 min

Unemployed: how to become self-employed
Outsource the management of your mail and many other services thanks to direct debit;

Direct debit

Reading time: 4 min

Company domiciliation: what you need to know
Créer un Business Plan nécessite de suivre certaines étapes primordiales.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 0 min

How do I create a business plan?
Registering your trademark with INPI can be done easily online.

Direct debit

Reading time: 3 min

Guide to registering a trademark with INPI
Find out about all the assistance available for setting up your own business.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 0 min

Business start-up assistance
Income tax, CFE, insurance... these are just some of the charges you need to anticipate when becoming an auto-entrepreneur.

Managing your business

Reading time: 3 min

Charges for auto-entrepreneurs
2018, a year of change for business-related taxes and taxation.

Managing your business

Reading time: 5 min

Taxes and business taxation: what's changing in 2018
Find out how to become an auto-entrepreneur.

Setting up a company

Reading time: 1 min

How do I become an auto-entrepreneur / micro-entrepreneur?