- Your LinkedIn content must contain certain key elements if you want to gain visibility
- The choice of publication format is crucial
- Choose times when there is traffic on the network to publish
- Your content must satisfy the LinkedIn algorithm
- Benefit from tips and tricks for consistently effective posts
How to write the best LinkedIn posts?
Make your post according to LinkedIn's rules
For a LinkedIn post to go viral, it must contain several elements, regardless of its size. These are:
- a catchphrase,
- a meticulous presentation,
- a well-developed message,
- emojis and hashtags,
- a conclusion and an image.
The catchphrase is used to capture users' attention. LinkedIn doesn't allow H1 headlines, and only the first three lines of your post are presented to the user. If they aren't attractive, your community won't be interested in your post and you won't get any new subscribers.
Your text needs to be visually appealing, even if it's dense. It's best to keep paragraphs short and clear, with no more than 2 or 3 sentences. To have a successful LinkedIn post, develop one idea in each piece of content. If you cover several topics, your target audience may find it hard to follow you.
The use of emojis and hashtags is essential for an effective publication. Emoticons help to humanize the text and share your emotions. However, they should be used sparingly. As for hashtags, these small characters followed by keywords and placed at the end of a post will help you get more reactions to your publications. They can also be accompanied by a name, in which case they're referred to as a mention.
End your LinkedIn post with a CTA or question to engage your audience. Finally, add an image to illustrate your content.
Adopt the right format for your LinkedIn content
On LinkedIn, you have a choice of different content formats. They're all effective, but some generate more traffic than others. So you need to know their characteristics to know which one to use for a lively page. So you have :
- post text,
- the carousel,
- native video,
- the post-survey.
The first form of publication is very common. To write it, you can adopt different types of structure. There's the A.I.D.A (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) method, for example, which will help you make your posts explicit. There's also storytelling, which involves telling a story and then ending it with a piece of advice or a thought. To get lots of comments, add a CTA. There's also the solution format. The principle is to present the problems encountered by your target audience and then provide solutions.
The LinkedIn carousel is a highly effective interactive post that's easy to create. You need to create a slideshow with images in PDF format. Users click on the arrow to see the whole post. This creates interaction with your audience. Native video keeps your audience happy and ensures a good dwell time. The longer it is, the higher your post will climb in the rankings. However, to get a good return, your video must meet certain criteria.
As for poll posts, you can use them to animate your network or get feedback on a new marketing strategy. This type of post generates a lot of engagement as you ask your community questions.
Publish at convenient times
The most popular time slots on LinkedIn are different from those on other social networks. Here, prospects are much more connected during the week, because it's a BtoB platform. Generally speaking, there's a lot of traffic between Tuesday and Thursday. As far as opening hours are concerned, you can post between :
- 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. (office hours),
- 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. (break times),
- 5 to 6 or 8 p.m.
For a start, the SeDomicilier company advises you to publish at different times in terms of days and hours. Then study the stats to see the periods during which you get the most engagement, so you canimprove your strategy.
You need to establish a publication frequency and define the number of posts to be made per week. If possible, set the days on which you will publish on your page. For example, you could choose to post your content on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. If you decide to make several posts, it's best to prepare as many topics as possible so you don't run out of ideas. Make sure you stick to your commitment, as this will give you more notoriety and visibility. If you want to add images to your LinkedIn content, they must be clear. You can use tools to modify them.
Make sure you satisfy the LinkedIn algorithm
To make captivating posts, you need to know how to satisfy the LinkedIn algorithm. The system relies on certain key factors to give you scores. First, there's engagement. That's why you need to encourage your audience to interact with you on your posts. Comments have more reach than likes. However, for them to be considered relevant, they must be more than five words long.
Text quality is also a determining factor. The algorithm prefers content that is visually appealing and contains useful information. Similarly, native video, carousel and survey posts that are between 1,000 and 2,000 characters long are at an advantage. They enable you to generate more engagementthan a post containing a link. Finally, there's the Dwell time and the social selling index. The former represents the time spent by a user on your post or profile. The second is your degree of involvement on the social network. It is measured in terms of your reactivity, the information provided in your content, and your ability to engage a good audience.
A few tips and tricks for effective posts
SeDomicilier gives you a few more tips to increase the visibility of your posts. You've written your content and you're ready to put it online? Leave it for 24 hours. Reread it the next day to allow your brain to re-analyze the work and spot what's going wrong. So if you have to publish on a Tuesday, write the text on Monday.
For a viral post that's sure to appeal to your community, address topics that touch them. A few minutes before you publish, comment on posts from certain profiles in your network. This will enable you to activate your next actions in your audience's news feed.
Often tag people who are responsive and will react to your publications. Finally, be active on your LinkedIn page. Reply to comments and like if necessary to encourage your audience.