Whatever the form of your company or the nature of your business, you will be assigned a SIREN number. This nine-digit number provides access to your company's legal and financial information. It is the company's unique identification number. As it is considered your company's identity card, this identification must be mentioned on your employees' payslips, on all your commercial documents, and on all your correspondence and administrative forms.
This number is assigned by INSEE, and triggers the company's registration in the SIRENE register. Entrepreneurs, micro-entrepreneurs and even presidents of associations are required to have a SIREN number. The SIREN number is non-specific, i.e. it does not depend on the nature of your business. SIREN numbers are also assigned to local authorities and public, industrial and commercial establishments.
The SIREN number is assigned once the company or association has been registered. You don't need to take any steps to obtain it, as you receive it as soon as your registration is accepted. In this case, you can consult your SIREN number in your personal space on the guichet unique des formalités des entreprises.
As of January 1, 2023, you must register your company online via the Guichet unique des formalités des entreprises website. In case you have completed the registration process and have not yet received your identification for your company, you can carry out a search on the SIRENE directory. To do so, visit the Sirene.fr website. This platform gives you access to all the information concerning your registration.
By searching for your company name, surname, first name or address, you will obtain the SIREN number assigned to you. If your number does not appear on the site, it means that it has not yet been assigned to you. If this is the case, visit the Guichet Unique des Formalités des Entreprises website for information on theprogress of your registration application.
While the SIREN is a company's unique identification number, the SIRET is the identifier for each of the company's establishments. Made up of 14 digits (the 9 of the SIREN + the 5 of the NIC, which are specific to each establishment), it differs from the SIREN in that it gives a geographical indication.
So if you have a head office and two sales outlets, you have three SIRET numbers and one SIREN number. Similarly, if you have a head office and a production plant, you need one SIREN number and two SIRET numbers.
If you are a sole trader, the SIREN number assigned to you is for life. If, on the other hand, you have several companies, you have an SIREN number for each of them. There are, however, cases where the SIREN number is cancelled. In the case of a sole trader, this can happen on death or when the business ceases trading. For a company, the SIREN number may be cancelled in the event of liquidation.
If you are permanently assigned this identification, you are required to report any changes concerning your company to the "guichet unique des formalités des entreprises". This applies regardless of your company's legal form.
A company's SIREN number is part of public data. This means that anyone other than you can find or retrieve a company's SIREN number.
To find your SIREN, you can also use the SIRENE register. In this case, you'll need to request an "identity card" for your company.
Using the Monldenum online service is also a solution when you need to retrieve your SIREN number. It enables you to activate your company's digital identity. This service is directly linked to the RCS (Trade and Companies Register).
The business directory helps you find your company's SIREN number. You can also find legal or financial data concerning your company or another. You can search the directory by name or company name.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min