In the wake of the pandemic, the French have developed a new relationship with work. Several studies, including one byOpinionWay (Summer 2022), reveal that employees are feeling uneasy about their jobs. The study cited reveals that 41% of employees face a worrying level of psychological distress, including 14% at a high level, with the risk of burnout. According to the data collected, managers are particularly concerned by this risk.
According to the OpinionWay survey, 37% of those questioned would like to leave their company, and 54% of them have felt this urge since the outbreak of the pandemic. The reasons for leaving are as follows:
The question of working conditions is therefore at the heart of employees' expectations. Job offers no longer match candidates' search for the ideal position. Rethinking one's employability is a priority for many French people in search of the job that brings fulfillment, well-being, enthusiasm and more. This is the challenge facing recruitment specialists.
To find your ideal job, you need to get to know yourself. There are a number of strategies you can use to begin the search for your ideal job by getting to know yourself better.
In your search for the perfect job, you certainly didn't expect to come across Hawaiian philosophy. In fact, in Hawaii, philosophy and spirituality are one and the same. The term kuleana is of great importance in the life of a Hawaiian. It means "responsibility, privilege". Through kuleana, the challenge for the individual is to find the purpose of his or her existence. Every day must be devoted to achieving and developing this vocation.
According to Hawaiian spirituality, each person has a mission to fulfill within his or her community. By finding his kuleana, the individual finds that thing in which he excels, and is of service to his fellow human beings. Transposed to our modern culture, it's a matter of finding one's vocation. The ingredients for success lie in developing the skills we need to fulfill our passions and serve our community: people, society and the environment.
Ikigai is a Japanese term:
Ikigaï is a philosophy of life, aimed at pursuing what we live for and what brings us joy. The ikigaï method has been developed to adapt to our Western vision and become a tool at the service of our professional orientation. The method has been adopted by professional development coaches. Isabelle Biarnes-Poulliat definesikigaï as follows:
"It's a comprehensive tool that helps you identify what you like to do and what you'd like to contribute to, to ultimately give meaning to the work you do or would like to do in the event of a career change."
In short, defining your ikigai is an excellent way of laying the foundations for a professional reconversion with the ultimate ambition of working in your dream job.
Using the kuleana orikigai methods, you can draw the outlines of your ideal job. It's essential to work on yourself. It's up to you to develop the skills you need to gain legitimacy and launch yourself into your new activity. To this end, you can count on the path of professional reconversion.
There are several schemes to help you with your career transition project:
Depending on your profile and your situation, you can opt for a training program linked to your personal concerns, such as sustainable development. Vocational retraining schemes enable you to achieve the holy grail: the ideal job that gives you pleasure on a daily basis.
What if finding the perfect job meant setting up your own micro-enterprise? After careful consideration, you may wish to set up your own business. The micro-enterprise system offers excellent flexibility for entrepreneurs wishing to test out their ideal job while maintaining a salaried activity. Depending on your employment contract, you can register your new activity in just a few minutes on the Guichet unique website. The micro-tax regime, the micro-social regime, the VAT exemption and the sales thresholds are all advantages for exploring auto-entrepreneurship and trying out the ideal job in complete independence.
The job market is in a state of flux, with a paradigm shift in employees' relationship with companies. For many, finding the ideal job has become a quest, involving a search for oneself. This realization can lead to professional retraining or the creation of a micro-business.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min