All our tips for boosting your company's visibility on Instagram!

Instagram for your business: find out how it works!

Instagram is a particularly useful social network for promoting your business, attracting new customers and building a community of supporters. Let's find out everything you need to know about using this tool to make your project a success!
Tips and tricks
Reading time: 6min
Updated April 7, 2023
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Instagram has well and truly become THE social network of reference for all young and active people, in France and around the world. The famous social network boasts 1 billion active users every month, 50% of whom log on at least once a day!

Far more popular than Facebook and more impactful than Snapchat, it's also a benchmark for professionals. Instagram appeals to a younger demographic, with 70% of its users under 35. It's an effective way for individuals to share their experiences, but also a major communication channel for businesses.

Let's face it: existing on Instagram is a growth lever in its own right! But how do you make the most of this new social network?

Let's find out everything you need to know to leverage Instagram for the success of your project!

How can you use Instagram to reach your target audience?

What's Instagram really for?

Instagram is a network particularly popular with individuals, but also with professionals! It's possible to create your own professional page. Take the time to publish a first selection of content, build a clear, attractive and truly engaging profile.

In addition, it is useful to fill in your profile on Google MyBusinessprofile, containing all the information your customers will need (address, opening hours, telephone number, directions, description of your hotel services, etc.). It's always a good idea to add a few photos to your profile, to give your prospects a sense of confidence.

Instagram boasts some absolutely staggering figures:

  • More than 100 million photos and videos are shared every day
  • 71% of American businesses have an Instagram account
  • More than 150 million stories published every day are published by brands
  • 50% of Instagrammers follow at least one brand

One thing is certain: companies have their place on this social network.

How can you put Instagram to work for your entrepreneurial project?

Effective communication requires a structured, coherent plan. First, choose the tone you wish to adopt to more easily reach your target clientele.

Depending on the nature of your project, address all the customer segments you wish to reach (loyal customers, occasional customers, prospects, etc.). Make sure you create the maximum possible interaction with them. The aim is to generate commitment on their part. Finally, give your customers a voice by sharing the most glowing reviews of your establishment.

This is an effective way of increasing your legitimacy in the eyes of undecided prospects.

Also, hashtags are useful for allowing your establishment to appear in the news feed of many trends. Then encourage your followers to use those that identify your business, and make yourself known more easily! Using the hashtag of your city or region also helps your local SEO on Instagram.

How to focus on the essentials with a business address?

The success of your entrepreneurial project depends on many factors. As an entrepreneur, you have to think of everything! That's why it's essential to focus on the tasks that add the most value and are essential to the success of your project. How can you delegate the rest? Thanks to domiciliation companies!

French law distinguishes between the address of your registered office and your actual place of work. By locating your company here, you choose to benefit from a wide range of services. They are available for all structures and budgets

You can choose a simple mailbox for a few dozen euros a month, or a more extensive service to lighten your daily routine. Your mail will be digitizedthen forwarded to your actual place of work. Managing your own mail is an extremely time-consuming part of your daily routine. Depending on your needs, you can collect your mail directly from the business center.

The result is huge savings in time and archiving costs!

Fixed costs sometimes weigh heavily on your profitability. But thanks to domiciliation companies, you can turn them into variable costs! It's a real profitability booster! Among a company's fixed costs, setting up a switchboard represents a significant expense.

By choosing a domiciliation company, you'll have a personalized telephone number connected to a switchboard. The switchboard can take your messages while you're away. In addition, you can benefit from administrative and legal assistance, as well as meeting room rental.

It's possible to choose your business address strategically, so as to set up in an area with a low CFE (Taxe Foncière des Entreprises) tax rate. For example, did you know that the CFE in Paris is lower than the national average? In addition, there are ZFU and ZFU-TE tax-free zones that are fully tax-exempt!

Thanks to domiciliation, you can concentrate more on your customer acquisition strategy.

And that's good news, because Instagram plays an important role in your communication strategy! So what are you waiting for?

Written by our expert Paul CANDAU
April 9, 2020
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