Your company's identity includes a name and a logo.

Your corporate identity: finding a name and logo

Your brand identity is your image! 
Tips and tricks
Reading time: 5min
Updated October 5, 2019
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Launching a company requires certain administrative formalities, but this doesn't mean you should forget to think about your corporate identity.

Indeed, establishinga strong corporate identity is an essential step for any company, even more so in certain sectors. The creative development of your company therefore begins with the choice of a name representative of your values, and a logo, the true seal of your brand identity.

Focus today on the steps involved in determining a company's name, logo and visual identity!

File: corporate identity, logo and name

Finding your company name

Finding a company name that reflects your business without being a soulless façade can be a complex process. Clearly, a name cannot be detached from any commercial interest.

It therefore seems appropriate to ask "what is my business sector?", "what is my target audience and its characteristics?" and "what are my company's values?

Once this stage has been completed, the actual search can begin!

 What methods do you use to optimize your name search?

  • Brainstorming: this widely-used method optimizes the research process by encouraging the proliferation of proposals. The watchword is "no censorship", which eliminates any form of judgment and allows some very interesting ideas to emerge. It's a great way to start a name search!
  • Mind-mapping: mind-mapping can be a useful second step in classifying proposals by theme, and thus correlating company values with the words chosen. Once again, this allows you to narrow down your search.
  • The study of the lexical field allows us to further refine the choice of name. It's also a method that will enable you to begin a natural referencing strategy, which today is linked to name research.

Once the ideal name has been found, it is not yet ready for use. It's a good idea to check the name's availability first!

As such, the search for anteriority must begin with the INPI or Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle in order to verify the availability of this trademark:

  • If you've never used this brand before, it's already available for purchase and use.
  • If the name is already in use this time, it is necessary to check with the company that owns the trademark whether it can be used, and if so, to draw up an agreement governing its use.

After choosing the right name, it' s important to choose a logo that represents your brand. It's the cornerstone of your communications and visual media.

The logo will also guide the graphic charter and design of all your communication tools (website, advertising, etc.).

In addition to enhancing your brand's visibility, the logo is designed to facilitate the consumer's user experience.

In this respect, the logo is far more than just a tool for show, it's a statement of ergonomics and use. It's also important to pay attention to the style of your logo: it conveys an image of your company, so it's important to come across as dynamic, modern and in tune with the times.

Some styles should be avoided, while others should be favored.

Finally, if your team doesn't have its own graphic designer, there is a wide range of services on offer, with prices varying according to the services proposed. So it's important to budget well in advance, but also to compare offers so as to be fully aware of the different possibilities.

In conclusion, it's important to define your project clearly, so you know how much importance it's worth devoting to your corporate identity. The company's activity will obviously influence the degree of importance to be attached to this. Nevertheless, this step is essential for every project, and lies at the heart of the company's development.

Written by our expert Quentin Moyon
April 26, 2018
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