Social management is at the heart of a company's development. It is one of the main indicators of a company's health and equilibrium. Whatever the manager's status, good social management contributes first and foremost to optimizing the company's performance. Conflicts and discontent lead to a deterioration in the social climate, and consequently to lower productivity.
This practice helps protect employees. It contributes to a safer, healthier working environment for them. Satisfied employees are more respectful and friendly with customers. In this context, good social management helps to improve a brand's image, which in turn naturally boosts brand awareness and revenues.
The better the relationship, the fewer employee disputes. As a result, the financial and legal costs associated with managing redundancies are lower or virtually non-existent. Since the company respects employees' rights, the resignation rate is also reduced.
The company is a place of personal fulfillment, development, socialization and cohesion. It's also a place of competitiveness and rivalry between employees. Conflicts soon arise, and sometimes, underhand crises, on the part of certain employees who, for example, are over-ambitious. Others, with their highly evolved leadership spirit and unrealistic goals, can quickly create a rift within the team.
These situations create a climate of tension that can hinder the company's development. In some cases, the personnel manager is not even aware of the atmosphere that prevails between employees. To ensure good cohesion within the company, the human resources manager must be on the lookout for any derogatory situation likely to damage social relations.
An organized structure is governed by strict, realistic rules of conduct, the most important of which is mutual respect. In small companies with fewer employees, this rule is easily respected. However, as the team grows, insubordination and minor conflicts can arise. To anticipate such problems, it's best to draw up and publish rules governing employee conduct within the company.
Would you like to create a relaxed and pleasant working environment within your company? Here are a few tips to help you do just that.
Conflicts in the workplace generally arise from misunderstandings. Good communication crystallizes relationships and social relations. To communicate well, you need to analyze your target audience in order to send them a clear, targeted and benevolent message. This applies to all players at different levels.
Employees are one of the company's most important assets. Their satisfaction plays a key role in the company's success. Aware of this reality, social and relational legislation is constantly evolving, with the aim of adopting new approaches to employee satisfaction in the workplace.
Management must therefore communicate on the company's strategy and management and take the following measures:
Whether elected representatives, trade unions or employees, they all hope that the evolution of the structure will take their expectations into account.
Authoritarian management is no longer the order of the day in the workplace. It is giving way to a more cross-functional and collaborative form of human resources management. The aim is to give employees the opportunity to express themselves and to take their opinions into account in order to create social cohesion within the company.
Active listening enables the manager to gather valuable information about each employee. This data can be used to fine-tune your management strategy, so that you have the best possible positive attitude. As a manager, you need to be attentive and avoid interrupting others to let them get to the bottom of their ideas. This will enable you to detect difficulties and signs of malaise within the team. This strategy helps maintain a relationship of trust.
Training is important to employee development and growth. To help them improve, you need to provide them with resources, courses, training or even webinars. Providing these opportunities helps to increase employee satisfaction, morale and productivity. A learning curve in growth and performance will be established, significantly reducing employee disengagement.
The poor distribution of tasks within the company can create tension and unacknowledged discontent. Managers must therefore learn to distribute the workload in such a way that no-one feels exploited.
Another solution is to involve employee representatives in the company's social management process. As they are well placed to witness the real atmosphere among employees, they can guide you on the strategy to adopt for good management.
Conflicts at work can happen, no matter how careful you are. For good social management, you need to learn to recognize crises as well as problems. Then identify the causes and choose the right moment to intervene. In any situation, avoid negative criticism. Find a solution and take steps to prevent recurrences. Finally, if necessary, punish any breach of company rules.
Social management control can help you better manage relations within a structure. Its missions are :
The main challenge for the social management controller is to guarantee quality data. He or she meets social reporting obligations and can also help draft corporate documents.
In short, communication, active listening and collective management are essential for effective corporate social management. You can also call on a social management controller to help you improve social relations within the structure and optimize employee performance.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min