To create your own start-up during your studies, you first need to ask yourself a few questions.

Students: creating a start-up while studying

<p>Voici tous les conseils pour cr&eacute;er sa start-up en &eacute;tant encore &eacute;tudiant !</p>
Tips and tricks
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Updated February 12, 2025
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Student and entrepreneur: a challenge at the crossroads

More and more students are venturing into entrepreneurship during their studies. This phenomenon, once marginal, is now booming, driven by an ambitious generation eager to turn their ideas into reality. The infographic you'll find here illustrates the key steps and practical advice for successful entrepreneurship while pursuing your studies. This visual guide highlights the opportunities, challenges and tools available to students who dream of creating their own start-up.

Written by our expert Jeanne Lehoux
January 4, 2018
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