All the advantages of company domiciliation in Libourne!

What are the advantages of company domiciliation in Libourne?

Libourne is located in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of France, and is an ideal location for a wide range of entrepreneurial projects! It benefits from a real regional dynamism, and numerous local aid schemes for businesses!
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As soon as it is set up, every company must have its own registered office. In fact, it's the first administrative step you need to take right from the start.

The registered office is to a company what the principal residence is to an individual: it is the administrative address of reference. It determines the company's nationality, its country of taxation and the competent jurisdiction in the event of a dispute.

This is all the more important as it must appear on all your official documents: invoices, quotes, purchase orders, delivery notes, etc. French law allows entrepreneurs to use the services of domiciliation companies to dissociate their registered office address from their actual place of work.

Libourne is a particularly popular location for entrepreneurs, thanks to its many advantages.

Libourne is attracting more and more companies: discover its assets

New Aquitaine, a region conducive to entrepreneurship

As the second most economically dynamic region in mainland France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a breeding ground of opportunities for many entrepreneurs.

With over 50,000 businesses created every year, the region has put together a comprehensive toolbox to support entrepreneurs. Choosing the right legal structure, financing, market research, etc., are all key stages that deserve quality support.

Regional aid is particularly focused on very small and craft businesses. The "Entreprendre, la région à vos côtés" scheme offers comprehensive long-term support.

Start-ups receive specific support, from the incubation phase through to deployment: Start-up Feasibility, Start-up Expertise, Start-up Pass, Start-up Amorçage / Acceleration and Start-up Innovation are all available to you.

All the business start-up grants offered by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region are available here.

Libourne is a dynamic city where it's good to do business!

Libourne is a very attractive city for many entrepreneurs, for several reasons. First of all, it's located on the outskirts of Bordeaux, yet benefits from less expensive real estate. It's also part of the Arcachon-Bordeaux axis, a metropolitan area home to over 1.25 million people!

Its attractiveness is no longer in question, thanks to the many headquarters of major companies already located on its territory:

  • Arena is a famous brand of swimwear and technical aquatic clothing.
  • Botalo has been making leather boots for morticians for over 150 years.
  • Ceva Santé Animale is one of the world's leading manufacturers of crop protection products.
  • Fayat is a well-known construction company

Libourne is also home to the headquarters of the Libourne Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The town is actively pursuing its urban and economic development through the "Libourne 2025 La Confluente" plan. As a forward-thinking town, it plans to experiment with CO2-absorbing streetlights powered by algae.

Finally, the town has its own complementary local currency (Monnaie d'intérêt économique local) to encourage the development of local businesses.

The advantages of company domiciliation

Choosing your registered office is the first decision you need to make when setting up your company. It is of the utmost importance, as it will determine your company's nationality and country of taxation, as well as the competent authorities in the event of a dispute.

Why do so many entrepreneurs choose a domiciliation company?

Benefit from a prestigious and prestigious address

Thanks to domiciliation companies, you can separate your head office from your actual place of work. In this way, you can benefit from a wide range ofprestigious addresses to win the confidence of all your stakeholders.

It's up to you to choose the one that suits you best, depending on the image you want to convey of your company.

Simplify your daily routine and save time with a wide range of complementary services

Domiciliation companies offer a wide range of services designed to outsource time-consuming, low value-added tasks: daily mail management, switchboard, legal and administrative assistance, meeting room rental, etc.

These services can be chosen à la carte, according to the company's needs and budget.

Save money!

Corporate domiciliation reduces your head office costs and installation expenses. What's more, you can optimize your tax situation by targeting territories with low CFE (Contribution Foncière des Entreprises) tax rates.

Libourne enjoys a certain attractiveness in this field, and also enables companies domiciled in the area to benefit from a number of support schemes.

SeDomicilier combines all these valuable advantages, enabling you to obtain your certificate of domiciliation in less than 5 minutes, in a 100% online process.

All your services are then available in a personalized, secure virtual office. Corporate domiciliation allows you to focus on the missions with the highest added value: those that really make your business a success!

Written by our expert Paul LASBARRERES-CANDAU
May 3, 2021
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