Are you an individual? A legal entity? It's often difficult to find your way around, and to understand the impact of such statutes on a company's operations.
When setting up a company, there are many notions to consider about legal and physical persons. In particular, what differentiates them?
Indeed, making the wrong distinction between these two entities can have negative consequences for your structure, which are easy to avoid when setting up a company.
We need to ask ourselves in what context the notion of legal entity becomes central to a company.
Indeed, if a business turns out to be a company (whether it has several partners or a single partner), it will be a legal entity with all that this implies:
The term " independent" is used, with all that this implies:
The key points to bear in mind when setting up a company differ between legal entities and individuals:
In conclusion, it's vital to be able to distinguish between the notions of natural person and legal entity when developing a business.
A natural person is an individual.
A legal entity is a group with common interests, dissimilar from the natural persons who created it. They may be companies, local authorities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or associations.
These statutes have an impact on the way a company operates, as they both have a legal nature that confers different rights and obligations on the owners.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min