There are currently over 22,000 VTC drivers in France. This figure is rising all the time, so the transport sector is booming. And becoming a VTC can be a good idea too.

Like the cab profession, the VTC profession is governed by law.

Before getting started, it's important to find out what you need to do to start your own transport business.

Obtaining the VTC professional card

You must apply for your VTC professional card at the prefecture in your area of residence. The card is issued within 3 months of the date of application.

The card is valid for 5 years from the date of receipt.

The following documents must be presented to the administration to obtain the card:

  • A piece of identification.
  • Proof of address.
  • B license held for more than 3 years.
  • A certificate of physical fitness obtained after a medical examination.
  • Validation certificate for the VTC exam (unless you have at least one year's experience as a VTC driver).

To obtain the VTC professional card, the driver must pass an examination. The exam is divided into two parts. A theoretical part lasting 3 hours and 50 minutes, with multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions. And a practical part lasting around thirty minutes.

Choosing the right legal status to become a VTC

As with other professional activities, VTC drivers need to set up a legal structure.

To register as a VTC, you can choose to operate as an auto-entrepreneur or set up a company.

The auto-entrepreneur status is simpler because it's quick and easy to set up. But above all, it's a good way to get started. Once the business is up and running, auto-entrepreneurs are limited to sales of €70,000. If this threshold is exceeded, the business switches to the common law system, which is less favorable from a tax and social security point of view.

In addition, company status allows you to deduct business expenses (petrol, car insurance, social security contributions, etc.).

Despite the legal and accounting complexity of these companies, the SASU and EURL are the most popular choices.

Entry in the VTC register

The next step in your chauffeuring activity is to obtain a license. The VTC register issues VTC licenses. Licenses are valid for 5 years, and it takes about a month to complete the registration process.

You can register directly online on the Ministry of Transport website

 You will need to provide the following information when you register:

  • Proof of professional liability insurance.
  • Proof of company registration.
  • A copy of your vehicle registration document.
  • A copy of both sides of your VTC card.
  • Proof of a financial guarantee of at least €1,500. Except if the driver owns the vehicle or rents it for at least 6 months.

The registration fee is €170. Once you've registered, you'll receive badges, which you'll need to affix to the front and rear of your vehicle.

Vehicle conditions

The vehicle must meet the following criteria:

  • Belong to the "high-end" category .
  • Insured for the transportation of persons for remuneration.
  • Under six years of age.
  • Have at least four doors and between four and nine seats (including the driver).

Finally, don't forget that becoming a VTC driver requires an investment in time and money.

So think carefully about your project before you take the plunge!

This article was written with the kind permission of LegalVision.