How can you disconnect from work during the vacations?

According to Qapa, 71% of French people find it difficult to disconnect from work during the vacations. And yet, to remain efficient and productive, it's sometimes necessary to take time for yourself and let go to give the best of yourself. SeDomicilier gives you all the tips and practical advice you need to disconnect from work and make the most of your vacations.
Tips and tricks
Reading time: 7min
Updated May 16, 2024
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Make the most of your annual leave

To go on vacation with a light heart, you need to prepare in advance. Good anticipation makes it easier to disconnect. Let your colleagues and employees know when their vacation days are approaching. Communicate well with them. Make it clear that you won't be available during these periods, except (potentially) in an emergency. This way, you won't have to deal with the hassle of being away from work during your vacations.

To avoid going on vacation with unfinished business and a head full of worries, think about finalizing or bringing forward as far as possible your current projects. It's a good idea to draw up a roadmap to ensure that everything goes according to plan. Don't forget to program an absence message indicating your exact dates of leave. Be original when writing your text. If possible, play on empathy by proposing a slightly offbeat message so as not to frustrate your interlocutors.

Take a break from your professional equipment during the vacations

With theadvent of videoconferencing tools, it's now possible totake your office just about anywhere there's an Internet connection. This means you can respond to e-mails or business calls at any time, or even take part in meetings from your phone or laptop. This makes disconnection more complicated, especially if your work equipment remains omnipresent at your vacation destination.

So set yourself clear limits during your periods of relaxation. If you can't leave your work tools at the office, you can turn off your work phone's notifications. Detach yourself from the news, too, so you're not waiting (consciously or unconsciously) for new information.

Using a domiciliation company to set up your company's head office is also an interesting option for enjoying your vacation without abandoning your business. With SeDomicilier, you can be sure of excellent service. In addition to helping you find a prestigious address for your business, we can manage some of your business tasks. Mail scanning and processing, telephone switchboard, mail forwarding... You'll be entitled to a range of related services.

Take your mind off things with exciting activities

Reconnect with your loved ones and make the most of your vacation by escaping as best you can. Try activities that take your mind off work. For example:

  • explore natural sites,
  • exercise,
  • go hiking,
  • discover other cultures,
  • consider writing and photography,
  • enjoy outdoor leisure activities, etc.

You can list the activities to be carried out during your rest periods before the big day. Don't try to make the most of your time off at all costs. With episodes of your favorite TV series to watch, exhibitions to see and walks to go on, the urge to do everything can quickly get the better of you. Vacations are for relaxing and avoiding unnecessary stress and pressure.

Give yourself time to relax and do what you really enjoy. If you've planned your vacations well in advance, there's no need to rush. Take the time to live each moment and do things at your own pace. The most important thing is to have a good time, to escape the pressure of work and disconnect.

Prepare your return to work

Whether you're self-employed or an employee, you'll benefit from anticipating the resumption of your activities after the vacations. The same applies if you work in a start-up or a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME). You can give yourself a transition period before returning to the office. This will give you real peace of mind during your vacations. In concrete terms, the idea is to get back to work as smoothly as possible, so as not to lose all the benefits of your vacation.

To ensure that your return to work is not a source of stress, a number of conditions need to be met. Prepare for your return to work by staying true to your corporate culture. There are several ways to do this:

  • programming of files to be processed on return to the office,
  • update your calendar,
  • task reorganization...

You need to gradually regain your zest for work, while maintaining a good work-life balance. The company manager will have an important role to play in boosting employee motivation when you return from vacation.

What about the right to disconnect?

Entering into force since 2017, the right to disconnect obliges all employers not to solicit their employees during vacations and precisely outside working hours. It was put in place to protect employees and their rest time. It is therefore a guarantee of temporary disconnection from the professional sphere without risk of repercussions. Depending on the terms and conditions agreed between employer and employee, the right to disconnect may vary from one company to another.

Between professional conscience, social pressure and the feeling of being an indispensable member of a team, you may find it difficult to disconnect from your work during the vacations. Adopt good habits and prepare as much as possible for your vacations, so as to anticipate any unforeseen events.

Delegating certain tasks in advance, such as managing your e-mails, is also an excellent way to go on vacation without stress or anxiety. You can opt for this service by using SeDomicilier to set up your business.

Written by our editorial expert
April 22, 2024
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