Would you like to set up your own business? There are a number of legal forms you can choose from, but it's not always easy to find your way around. SAS, SASU, auto-entrepreneur or EURL, the choice of structure can quickly become complex.
In this article, we look at the EURL : L'Entreprise Unipersonnelle à Responsabilité Limitée. It's a variation on the SARL, but intended for a single shareholder, and very easy to access.
Definition: The EURL is a legal form of company formed by a single shareholder. In simple terms, it is a derivative of the SARL (limited liability company), which does not allow the creation of a sole proprietorship. The EURL is also known as a SARL unipersonnelle.
This gives the entrepreneur the opportunity to set up his business as a legal or physical entity in his own right, thereby protecting his assets and limiting his liability.
Designed for all types of projects, this legal form can be used for craft, commercial, service or agricultural activities.
Like the majority shareholder of a SARL, the founder-manager of a EURL is subject to the RSI regime. As far as thelegal organization of the company is concerned, the EURL gives the manager control over the company's affairs, making him or her responsible for all decisions taken. However, it is possible to dispense with this role by delegating the day-to-day management of the company to a third party. It is also possible to define the role and powers of the managing director in the company's articles of association or in a separate deed.
With regard to share capital, EURLs must stipulate an amount in the articles of association, determined by the partner according to the development of the business. Contributions may be made in cash, in kind or in industry. If the contribution is made in cash, it's important to note that you can only contribute one-fifth of the capital at start-up. The remainder will be paid in within five years of your company's registration.
The EURL is one of the attractive legal forms that any entrepreneur can choose to set up a business. Similar in many respects to the SARL (limited liability company), the EURL differs from the SARL in that it is managed by a single shareholder. Nevertheless, it's a good idea to take into account the few disadvantages specific to this type of structure. These include the fixed legal framework, the lack of flexibility to switch to a SARL and the default affiliation to the RSI. Before opting for the EURL, be sure to assess the adaptability of your business to this type of structure.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min