Business creators benefit from a number of grants from public or private bodies to encourage the growth of their project, especially at the start-up stage.
They usually take the form of tax breaks, subsidies or support schemes.
The majority of young projects undergoing growth are likely to encounter cash flow difficulties, or a lack of support that can be a direct cause of their failure.
Given this situation, it is sometimes possible to combine them under certain conditions.
This aid is aimed at business start-ups and takeovers.
It provides total exemption from social security charges for 12 months, and for the following two years for micro-businesses.
Since January 2019, the exemption from social security contributions is no longer subject to conditions. All statuses are now eligible and can benefit from ACRE.
Despite this, CSG and CRDS are still due, although a deferral of payment can be requested from the tax authorities.
ARCE is a financial aid scheme tohelp people take over or start their own business.
It entitles the entrepreneur to 45% of the amount of the remainder of his or her allowances at the start of the business.
A second payment is made six months after the first.
In the event of cessation of activity, the entrepreneur receives his or her benefits as before, according to the traditional method of payment.
To qualify, you must be receiving ARE (Allocation d'Aide au Retour à l'Emploi), and have been awarded ACRE(Allocation d'Aide au Retour à l'Emploi).
NACRE stands for Nouvel accompagnement pour la création ou la reprise d'entreprise, and is issued by the regions.
They are responsible for the economic development of their territory, which is why they often offer a wealth of valuable assistance to entrepreneurs.
From setting up a project to structuring a financing plan , not forgetting operational advice on launching a business, a wide range of courses are available.
It's even possible to obtain financing directly through this scheme, with a zero-interest loan of between €1,000 and €8,000 for up to 5 years.
Aids for business start-ups and takeovers are sometimes little-known by the general public, but they can be a real help to entrepreneurs.
There are over 3,000 public and private schemes in France, most of them under the authority of the State or the regions.
A well-informed entrepreneur can benefit from a wide range of assistance, from subsidies and tax breaks worth several thousand euros, to high-quality support designed to help his or her project succeed.
Reading time: 6 min
Setting up a company
Reading time: 15 min